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> My friend spotted Nik, 10/17 Spokane
post Oct 18, 2006 - 7:28 PM
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Joined Feb 5, '05
From pineapple under the sea
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Reputation: 9 (100%)

So my friend calls me last night and says "Dude, I say a Celica that looks just like yours, except it was a dark blue with a body kit and (I quote) 'Turbo'ed to Sh*t'. So I asked him if it had 5 spoke wheels and he confirmed. Also asked if it had an Idaho plate, which he said it did. This was the story:

"The guy with the Celica pulled up to a stop and I was behind him. Next to him pulls a new Corvette with a kid driving. He was revving at the dude in the Celica and the dude in the Celica just sat there. The next thing I know I hear a vrooommmmmppshhhhhhh and I said to myself "ah sh*t". The light turned green and the Celica took off. It was gone in a few seconds. He spun the wheels for maybe 5 feet and was gone. The Corvette didn't even have a chance! It was awesome!"

Just another tale of the 6th Gen Celica making their mark.. wink.gif

1991 MR2 - T-tops - Crimson Red - Gen3 3SGTE - Lots of money

I'm not really an asshole, but I play one on the internet.
**** Photobucket
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post Oct 18, 2006 - 7:41 PM
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Joined Sep 30, '02
From Washington Spokane / Coeur D' Alene Idaho
Currently Offline

Reputation: 11 (100%)

i get revved at alot so i dont really remember that tongue.gif

yea your 3sgte is cool but ill stick to my 7agte

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