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> *Guageing interest* Canadian 6GC meet, meet with Ontario MR2 club?
post Mar 3, 2007 - 11:06 PM
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Joined May 15, '05
From Toronto
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Reputation: 4 (100%)

So, ive been thinkin of this for the last few years, I think its about time we get a hudge 6gc meet up in Canada. The guys in the US had their florida, DCW, tail of the dragon meet, and i think that we are due for a big meet too. I was thinking, I know the guy who runs The Ontario MR2 Club, and every year they head out to Kingston Ontario for a big weekend event. They have racing at Shannonville Speedway, a car show at the event, cruises, vendors, etc. They usually charge $40 to go into the car show, $50 to race and then what ever u wanna pay for a hotel. They usually rent out 2 or 3 hotels completely. Usually they have around 350 cars, last year they had around 265 cars that stayed the entire weekend. Its located in Kingston, so its a good neutral point for every one, coming either from Ontario or Quebec. I think its time for us Canucks to get our **** together and get a big meet going. Ive tryed numerous times to get ppl to meet, but the most ive gotten was a meet with Nader and Paul (behindthesmile). What do you guys think? It would be a 2 day even, drive out on friday, get there, stay saturday, leave sunday. It will probably cost around $140 for the hotel rooms if we get our own.

I say its our turn for a big meet..plus how can you go wrong with a bunch of 6gcs and a bunch of MR2s..last year they even had a guy with an AW11 with a V8 in it woot.gif

Common people, take some time out of your schedule, take a weekend off. So far they dont have an exact date, but they are thinking 20, 21, 22 of July.
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post Mar 6, 2007 - 8:43 AM
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Joined Sep 28, '06
From Montreal, QC, Canada
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Reputation: 2 (100%)

I'm DEFINITELY in. I'll have to take friday afternoon off, but with enough notice, I'll be there.

Also, concerning hotels, I can probably fix something up with my ex. So long as it's part of the Choice Hotels chain.

One o'dem crazy Canadian freaks, eh?

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