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> failed emission test, too much polution
post Mar 27, 2007 - 8:52 PM
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Joined Feb 17, '07
From wisconsin
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so my '94 celica gt failed its emission test again (2nd time) this past week. it gave me the same reading that im making too much CO. i changed the oil, oil filter, air filter, sparkplugs, even poured in a bottle of seafoam into a full gas tank..and it still fail. i was given a few options b4 my next emission..either i replace the knock senser, or replace the O2 senser (a buddy recommended either, or both). just curious if u guys can piont out anything else that might b causing this high level of polution..just anything. thanks.
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post Apr 3, 2007 - 10:44 AM
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Joined Oct 24, '03
From Cyprus
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Its probably your injectors. When I had the same problem with my Curren, they told me that I should have my mechanic take them out and clean them or just drive the car hard for a few minutes and take the car back, Guess what I did.

Well I drove the curren really hard for about half an hour and when I took it back for testing it almost show zero CO2. Do not be tricked with additives and bull**** like that. They say this to sell you stuff which do not make that much of a difference.

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