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> Hand buff tips?, object: remove paint imperfections
post Jun 25, 2007 - 10:26 PM
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Joined Jun 25, '07
From Pennsylvania
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Hi 6gc owners,

I've only been exposed to this forum for a few days, so I hope its not too early to say that I think you guys are by far the nicest and most knowledgeable people around (especially when it comes to these pretty celicas). Therefore, I was hoping you guys would help me out with some tips on hand buffing my 1997 black celica GT.

THE PROBLEM: 6 months ago, I removed all the dents on my car and repainted it black. However, there are minor slight-noticeable paint drips around some areas of the car and tiny bumps that were resulted from dust particles falling on the paint before it was dry.

I'm hoping since I haven't had the time to buff the car yet, doing so will remove these imperfections and make it look nice for the summer time.

I don't have access to a buffer so I am planning to buff it by hand. But before I start, I wanted to ask a few questions and get you guys' opinion on the issue.

Do you guys believe that hand buffing (as opposed to taking it to a shop and have them machine buff it) will be sufficient enough to remove these imperfections? What kind of car polish would you recommend? (brand and type such as: abrasive paper/pad, compound, polish) I've also never done this before so any links or additional tips would be very very helpful.

Thank you guys in advance and I'm looking forward to your inputs.

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post Jun 25, 2007 - 10:55 PM
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Joined Oct 7, '06
From wyomissing pennsylvania
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Reputation: 2 (100%)

where abouts in pa are you? west, mid, east?

you know why they put sheep at the edge of a cliff.... that way they push back!
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(2:27:32 AM) edit: please f*cking work, f*ck, sh*t, piss
(2:28:08 AM) edit: that did the trick

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