E153 rear mount solution, st-205 rear mount and bracket |
E153 rear mount solution, st-205 rear mount and bracket |
Dec 27, 2007 - 12:42 PM |
Enthusiast Joined Aug 19, '07 From Farmington, MI Currently Offline Reputation: 7 (100%) |
Hi, I have started a bunch on threads with this whole rear mount and bracekt problem, well i just recently had purchased a rear alltrac mount and bracket (st185), anyways, alot of people didn't say it would work, and told me to get a st205 mount, well here are some pics of a st185 bracket and mount and my e153 tranny (mr2), if u want to ask question just shoot, sry for bad pics
Jan 7, 2008 - 6:25 PM |
Enthusiast Joined Aug 19, '07 From Farmington, MI Currently Offline Reputation: 7 (100%) |
okay, i just got inserts from kirk in, heres the news, 75% of the shaking went away, at low speeds untill like 50, and i checked my driver and pass. side, and the drivers side axle is fine and does not bind, the pass side does though, so what do i need to just go replace the whole passenger side axle
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