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> Soldering LED's for climate control color change..., two aren't lighting up...
post Jul 15, 2008 - 12:38 PM
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Joined Jul 6, '08
From Burlington, VT
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So i'm in the process of changing the interior lights of my car, got everything done except the climate control unit, which is currently sitting in pieces right next to me. Now i've gone in and soldered blue LED's onto the terminals where the green ones used to be (i'm talking about the ones hard wired in to the board, not the twist in lights). The only issue is that only 6 of the 8 lights are lighting up. The only ones that aren't are the one for the windshield defroster, and the one for the AC...the polarity matches that of the LED's that i clipped off before, so i dunno what's up. Are they on a different circuit that requires another part of the unit to be plugged in?

If anyone has any experience with this sorta thing some assistance would be great....i'm so close to getting this project done.


This post has been edited by jophish: Jul 15, 2008 - 12:39 PM
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post Jul 15, 2008 - 1:26 PM
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Joined Mar 15, '07
From Tennessee
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believe it or not, those leds are so delicate that they can burn even with soldering. some are defective. first thing just change the leds.

Congrats on doing this yourself. not many like to venture into these things.

i test my leds first before soldering. usually they require 3.4 volts. so 1 or 2 1.5 batteries together and i test them.

another thing make sure you did not short out the lines, sometimes you may have reversed the polarity and think you have it right. if all else fails just test the polarities with a tester,

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