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post Aug 4, 2008 - 10:03 AM
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Joined May 25, '07
From Minnesota
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My '94 GT was having trouble holding idle this morning right after a cold startup. It would die unless I held the gas and kept the RPMs around 2000. If I let off the gas, the RPM's would drop to around 200 and then it would sputter out and die. After about a minute, the problem went away.

According to some research on this board, it's the idle air control valve. I read some references to people stating they were going to clean it or did clean it, but I didn't see any information on how to actually clean it.

P.S. I just put new plugs in, and a cap and rotor. The problem above only happened this morning and about a week after I gave it the tune up. I have only owned this car a month, but I have noticed the idle seems to drift a little--sometimes it's idling around 500 and shakes the car a little when fully warmed up, and sometimes it idles just fine around 800 when fully warmed up.

Before I actually replace the IAC, I want to try cleaning it but want to see what others have done. Once I clean it, then I will re-check the timing.
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post Aug 4, 2008 - 10:30 AM
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Joined Oct 1, '02
From fall river, ma
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Reputation: 13 (100%)

without pics, here is a quick run down:

remove intake pipe from throttle body,

remove throttle cable

note locations and remove egr hoses from t/b,

remove 4 bolts holding on t/b,

remove 2 coolant lines and air bypass hose going to t/b (these lines by the way attach to the AIC), and remove t/b

remove 4 screws for the AIC (an impact screwdriver works great for loosening the screws without stripping them, and can be bought at autozone for ~10$)

using carb cleaner, and an old toothbrush or somthing, clean out all the crud ect from the valve inside the AIC, and be sure it opens and closes freely.

installation is reverse of removal.

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