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> Gauge cluster and warning lights not lighting up., burnt bulbs or cluster problem?
post Aug 19, 2008 - 8:28 PM
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Joined Aug 17, '08
From NY
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I just picked up a 96 celica for cheap, and the gauge cluster doesnt light up. Only the tach lights up and the warning lights underneath it light up, but the speedo, temp and fuel gauge and the warning lights on the right side of the cluster dont light up. The car has almost 200k miles, so could this be caused by the bulbs being burnt out, or is there something wrong with the cluster or wiring?
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post Aug 20, 2008 - 7:23 PM
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Joined Aug 17, '08
From NY
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so i checked the fuse and it was fine, then i replaced the bulbs and the speedo, temp and gas gauge light up now. But with the key in the on position when the cars off, the only warning light that lights up on the right side is the check engine light. On the left side the airbag, battery, oil, door, and brake light are on if the car is off and the key is in the on position. Are there supposed to be more warning lights on?

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