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> To pull (the engine) or not to pull (the engine). That is the question
post Dec 22, 2008 - 1:15 PM
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Joined Nov 6, '08
From San Antonio, TX
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As I'm removing the tranny to install a new clutch, is it better to remove the engine to replace seals/gaskets? I presently have no hoist or engine stand, but can access one. I'm getting a gasket set from Toyota to button this thing back up but don't know what would be easier. I know that it's alot easier to work on the engine outside of the car, but is it worth the time to pull it for that?

This post has been edited by robidunno: Dec 22, 2008 - 2:16 PM

Rob C.

1994 Celica ST Coupe White 5 spd (temporarily)
1985 Celica Supra P Type Super White 5 spd

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