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> To pull (the engine) or not to pull (the engine). That is the question
post Dec 22, 2008 - 1:15 PM
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Joined Nov 6, '08
From San Antonio, TX
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As I'm removing the tranny to install a new clutch, is it better to remove the engine to replace seals/gaskets? I presently have no hoist or engine stand, but can access one. I'm getting a gasket set from Toyota to button this thing back up but don't know what would be easier. I know that it's alot easier to work on the engine outside of the car, but is it worth the time to pull it for that?

This post has been edited by robidunno: Dec 22, 2008 - 2:16 PM

Rob C.

1994 Celica ST Coupe White 5 spd (temporarily)
1985 Celica Supra P Type Super White 5 spd
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post Dec 22, 2008 - 2:42 PM
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Joined Jan 18, '08
From Houston
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Yes i am. Because these things can get tricky, depending on witch all ones you're changing. But if you're changing them ALL then it'd be easier than piecing out your engine from it's mount and replacing it all. And seeing as you're trying to get into the tranny as well; you'd might as well just pull the whole thing and be able to do what you've gotta do; rather than constantly hold yourself at uncomfortable positions, with little to no working room & light... plus trying to drop the tranny from under just so that you can disasemble the engine from the top as well? Might as well just pull the whole damn thing and get'r'done as they say. laugh.gif

So go ahead and:



BTW: you're local Hi-Low or Pepboy's will rent you out a GOOD engine hoist for about $75.00.

And thanks for changing the name... I was about to have a field day on this thread tongue.gif

This post has been edited by D-Man: Dec 22, 2008 - 2:43 PM

QUOTE (presure2 @ Nov 6, 2010 - 6:16 AM)
Via FB: fcuking awsome!!! D-man FTW!

QUOTE (DEATH @ Nov 11, 2008 - 5:40 PM) *
Damn D-Man - most impressive.

QUOTE (99GT @ Nov 14, 2008 - 4:04 PM) *
D-Man's post should be a sticky

QUOTE (samir0189 @ Nov 4, 2008 - 10:50 AM) *
LOL, oh boy, you can always count on D-Man for ridiculously hilarious posts.

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