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> VA warning
post Nov 16, 2003 - 6:34 PM
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Joined Mar 24, '03
From virginia
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Hope I got this in the right place, anyway a quick word of advice. Driving from NY into Va to visit my girl, I was pulled over by Virginia State Troopers, after 30 mins of 3 cops surrounding my car (measuring my front and rear ground clearance, window tint, exhaust, checking all my papers) I was stuck w/ 2 violations, improper exhaust, illegal window tint. I have 35% all the way around, 8% from the legal limit, and after telling the officer that I can place a baffle in the muffler, for silence, he refused, said it should've been on in the first place. Keep in mind I wasn't speeding, I was wearing a seat belt and obeying all traffic laws. After telling my father, who oddly enough is a police officer, informed me that Va. is having buget problems, and until January they'll be writing tickets left and right. The sad thing is they love to nail imports, I will be fighting both violations, the total for the tickets was 125 bones, but to make this short, a warning for anyone driving in va. try to stay hidden, their looking for any reason to give a ticket. and if at all possible avoid Va. all together!
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post Nov 18, 2003 - 10:45 AM
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Joined Apr 19, '03
From Washington
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but legal tint laws in Pa are 10% all around....i have my car registered there...but i am in washington cause of the military....and i looked into that real hard. But since i have out of state tags here i can get away w/ alot more stuff then the normal washington driver biggrin.gif

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