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> Car alarm/immobilizer wont beep beep, this is really doin my nut in
post Feb 4, 2009 - 6:30 PM
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Joined Aug 29, '08
From Auckland, New Zealand
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hey there lads. recently i have been having trouble getting my alarm to disable. Ill jump in the car in the morning, attach one of my many LED's (my remote aint in the best shape) press the unlock button and... no beep beep... so i'll try again... nothing. this goes on for about 10min or more and then finally (after me n my partner are frustrated as hell and bout to give up) it decides to beep beep disabling the alarm/immobilzer.. its really weird cause sometimes when I hop in the car and press it, it disables straight away. but other times it takes forever, (god forbid im in a rush when it decides to not work)

Any ideas guys? Im sure its not the alarm remote battery itself thats going flat cause it always lights up when I press it and I replaced the battery not too long ago. Could there be a battery installed in the alarm sensor in the car that could be goin dead?? or maybe a fuse... i really dunno, any ideas welcome,

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post Feb 26, 2009 - 8:43 AM
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Joined Dec 18, '08
From Oxford, England
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I've got a standard alarm (i think...has toyota logo moulded in plastic and toyota sticker on back) and mine has two buttons. Top to lock, bottom to unlock. The have arrows either facing towards each other (lock) or away (unlock).

I have that same problem. sometimes i have to unlock it with the key, get in quickly (alarm going off) then turn ignition key to the place just before when you actually start it (so everything works except the starter motor) hold down bottom buton and start the car (still holding it down) then i can use the bottom button to unlock it and turn the alarm off. Basically reset the alarm...PITA!!!!

Really need a solution....

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