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> Ahh! Interior Lights Out After Clutch Repair, Guys at the shop claim to not know anything about electric...
post Sep 27, 2009 - 11:17 PM
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Joined Jul 31, '08
From Lansing
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I took my car in and it seems like the gents blew some fuses. First, they claim that the speedo and tach wasn't working when I dropped the car off. Not true. They fix it saying that it was a blown fuse. I jump in the car (after the shop closes) only to discover that my radio isn't working. On closer look, most of the interior lights aren't working either. The gauges light up just fine, so does the clock, and my dome and door lights also work.

The lights for the odometer and trip gauge are out, the radio is out (as is my amp, though I suspect its because the amp lead isn't sending it's voltage), and I can't seem to figure out what fuse it is. Any ideas? Is there a fusible link somewhere that I am missing? I haven't pulled out every fuse just yet (weather has been horrible this weekend) but was hoping to get some insight before I do.

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