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> The End to a buetiful begening, My Poor Celi, is Dead.
post Jan 5, 2004 - 11:58 AM
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Joined Sep 12, '03
From Portland , Oregon , United States
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Hey Guys,
Most of you dont know me, But a Few ( Coomer, XXX Mina ) and a few others know this. Last Monday I was Involved In a Car Accident. I was On my way into Oregon City Leaving my house turned onto the Main Road and everything was going fine. I only had it in Second gear because there was snow and Ice. I started my accent down a Steap hill To find out the the Entire Road Is a Solid Sheet of Ice. My Car Started Dirfting out of control the front end drifted into the other side of the road and the read end stay'ed in my lane. I Did my best to fix the problem I got her straight again but i was in the middle of the Road Heading right for a MitsuBushi Montero I Hit Driverside/Front, Both cars. The Driver side door was pushed back and I had to crawl out the passenger while I was In serious pain. I was takin to the Hospital and I have a Broken Collar Bone, a Miss-alinged shoulder, and about 30 fracures In my shoulder regein. I was released from the Hospital that night and I am on alot of Pain Killers but the pain still gets to me.

But For me the Pain that gets to me Isnt the Physical Its the Mental Stress really, See because this was my First Car. It took me about 1 1/2 to save for this car, and Took me 6 months just to find her. If you check out my profile You'll notice this wasnt the nicest car by any means But It was mine and she made me happy. She cost me 4800$ and even tho she didnt compare to my friends Bimmer's or anything she was nice to me because I had earned her.

I really dont know what todo now. After getting the insurence money, I paid the dedcutable, Medical bills , and the Rest of the loan off I now sit at 1300.24. I lost the Car that brought me so much Joy and this has crushed my dreams.

Well thats Just a Little Insight into my Life Right now, Take it for what you will.

Thanks For everything,
Dustin Thomas Edwards

I am a thief.
do not buy anything from me.
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post Jan 5, 2004 - 12:55 PM
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Joined Aug 29, '02
From Dallas, Tx
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I don't usually respond to these posts because they're usally somebody just whining about how their car got screwed up (and when you get the real story you find out they were doing something stupid). But your story seemed different. You sound like a good kid. Everything will work out fine for you. Just get your body fixed, then worry about the car. Enjoy the pain killers while you can. Make sure to come down off of them slowly or you'll be pretty grumpy for a week or so. I was on percocet for a broken collar bone after I wrecked my bike.

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