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> Swap options and cost for a 95 GT convert
post Jun 4, 2010 - 11:14 PM
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Joined Jun 4, '10
From Jax Beach, FL
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I recently purchased a 95 GT convertible, but she has 175k miles on her so I have been thinking about my swap options. I intend to ride her until she stops running and hopefully I get atleast another 25k. I am very interested in the 3SGTE swap, but I hear there will be some need for modification. I am on a $2,000 budget for the swap some added power and turbo would be nice, but if its too much trouble then I proly would just rebuild my engine myself and send out my tranny to be rebuilt.
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post Jun 7, 2010 - 8:06 PM
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Joined Jun 4, '10
From Jax Beach, FL
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Yea, I guess you're right. I have rebuilt a 426A and the regular SOHC Neon engine with regular eBay kits and have had no problems, but I dont know much about these toyota engines.

I am new to the toyota scene and I have only done a little research, but from what I understand about the 3SGTE you can use the 2nd, 3rd and the 4th gen engine from the Caldina, but some newer models like the Caldina have the intercooler placed on the head of the engine which makes an easy install for the turbo, but you will need to customize your hood or get the hood from a GT4.

I will see if I can put together a complete part list and you guys can tell me if I am on the right track.

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