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> A cure for sticky needles?, Indiglo gauge problem...
post Jan 25, 2003 - 12:00 PM
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Joined Nov 20, '02
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The indiglo gauges were installed a month ago in the Celica. I got these gauges from Speedhut. At first the RPM needle was getting stuck at idle and the speedometer needle was getting stuck at 0-10mph. I still have the same problem with the RPM needle. At idle the needle drops below 500 RPMs, which I know that is not accurate. Also, I've noticed that the speedometer needle is getting worst. When I speed up, the needle jumps and stops jumps and stops until I reach the speed that I'm at. On the highway the needle bearly passes 65 mph when I know I'm going much faster than that (about 75-80). When I slow down its the same thing, drops and stops, drops and stops until I reach the speed or I come to a complete stop. Now I'm worried that this might happen to the gas gauge.

My questions are:

- Can it get worst, to the point where the needles will not function anymore?

- How can I fix this problem?

I will appreciate any help you guys can give me. Thank you!
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post Jan 25, 2003 - 6:52 PM
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Yep double sided tape in the way to go. I had the same problem.

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