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> HELP ME!!, whining after water pump install
post Nov 15, 2010 - 9:34 AM
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Joined Nov 15, '10
From MA
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Hey Everyone, I am new here but not new to celicas. I recently (a month ago) bought my celica from my friend. He had it overhauled 5K miles ago and it runs great.

My issue is this: the engine builder did not replace the water pump during the engine build, why? who knows. If you ask me that was stupid not to do. Anyway, I drove the car about 1K miles since I bought it and it runs excellent. Then I noticed the weep hole was wet with coolant so water pump needed replacement.

This is when I found out that the mechanic never replaced it because it was still the factory one! I also noticed that the t-belt was angled a bit from the failed water pump but it had no apparent damage and I checked it quite thoroughly (new belt).

Well I proceeded with the water pump replacement and it's all assembled. I checked the timing and it's perfect. Well the issue is this: the engine whines now and it didn't before. It kinda sounds like a weak supercharger. When I rev the engine the whine increases so it's timed with the t-belt I think. I then backed off the tension of the belt just a teeny little bit, the whine stopped but now it raps against the timing belt cover. I then tightened it again to make it stop rapping the t-belt cover. It whines again.

What is going on???? It runs great, I have full power, quick start up, no pinging under load, it runs perfect, just whines like a bastard.

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