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> Blue Celica from Romania, "progress" is too much said...
post Feb 15, 2011 - 9:27 PM
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Joined Mar 13, '09
From Constanta, Romania
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Reputation: 0 (0%)

I appreciate this new-born section called "My project". I would never have posted my car's topic anywhere else but here, because here is the only place where you can show the other people your car even if it's bone-stock or heavily rusted... it's your car, so it has the "rights" to be here, whatever you've done, are doing or are going to do to it.
Based on that thought, I'm gonna climb down from my banana-tree, hold my breath for a couple of seconds and then proceed to choose some pictures and type a short story about my Celica. DON'T EXPECT TO READ/SEE ANYTHING SPECIAL. Here we go:
To be continued tomorrow (I hate this upload method...).

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post Feb 22, 2011 - 3:14 PM
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Joined Feb 11, '08
From Auckland, New Zealand
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Reputation: 0 (0%)

hey nice celica so far.

the reason why the rear doesnt line up with the sides is because the rear end is proportionately too tall compared to the front, when you lower it the lines will meet up nicely

Mike W
1996 Toyota Celica ST205 GT-FOUR
GT2860RS turbine, TiAL mvr44, JE 86.5φ piston, Clutchmasters FX400, APEX P-FC
269awhp / 273ft-lbs

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