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> 5S-FTE parts questions, Need some info on where to get a few things
post May 5, 2011 - 6:55 PM
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Joined Jun 5, '07
From Santa Maria
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I just need to know where to get a couple of things.

First off, where can I get the T adapter for the oil feed line. The link in Presure2's post no longer works. I tried to do some searching online but i'm coming up dry. I think i'm just searching for the wrong thing. Anyone have a link or want to point me in the right direction?

Also, i'm having a hell of a time trying to find a oil pan. I actually found one on ebay a couple of months ago and it was the only one so I bought it. 2 months later I never received it. Emailed the guy and all he did was refund my money. No idea what happened there, at least I got my money back though. I've checked junk yards around my area as well as online, not finding anything. Would it be easier to just tap the stock pan for the return line? Anyone done this yet?

Last question....The CT-26 (off an all trac) requires oil and water(coolant) correct? I purchased a turbo but haven't received it yet so this question might be premature but how do I know which is the in/out and which one is oil vs coolant. Also, if this turbo does require coolant where do we take this from?

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