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> Help me with my leaks?
post Feb 24, 2012 - 4:09 PM
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Joined Oct 20, '11
From Colorado
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Alright, so first off, don't punish me for being a n00b. I'm learning! wink.gif
I have two leaks. Oil, and antifreeze. I want to stop them, of course, so I'm looking for suggestions on how to fix them!

I've highlighted areas in each photo (not that you really need it)!

Above is the antifreeze leak. Not looking too good. And leaking tons.

And here's the oil leak. Of course, it's hard to pinpoint an area for the picture, but I think it's strange how high-up on the engine the oil is pooling. Maybe gasket?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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post Feb 24, 2012 - 4:31 PM
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Joined Nov 20, '04
From Carlisle, PA
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That black tube between your AC compressor and the alternator is your thermostat housing...99.9% sure your gasket is leaking. Easy fix. Use plyers to pop off the coolant hose going to the thermostat housing, remove those two (10mm?) bolts off of it, pull it and the thermostat out (be prepared for more coolant to pour out), scrape old gasket off, replace with new gasket and you might as well change thermostat as well if you haven't recently.

As for the oil leak....hard to tell from that picture. Does the engine head appear to have an oil residue "trail" from somewhere else? The valve cover doesn't typically start a leak up there in the front and I see no oil residue coming from it. The oil pressure sensor is right there, but it doesn't LOOK like that's leaking either.

Edit: I mean use plyers to pop off the spring clamp on the hose...then pull the hose off, of course.

This post has been edited by AMCMoe: Feb 24, 2012 - 4:35 PM

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