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> SoCal Big Bear BBQ & Cruise (Sunday, April 15th), Southern California Meet
post Mar 11, 2012 - 5:29 PM
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Joined Mar 11, '12
From Santa Clarita, CA
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Greetings Fellow Californians!

It's time to gather Celica owners and Celica enthusiasts in Southern California for a meet and cruise of the San Bernardino mountains! The drive is gorgeous and the weather should be amazing. Not many of us SoCal guys can make it to the Dragon or Ogopogo, but we can all get to Big Bear. If you know anyone who would be interested, feel free to invite them and RSVP here!

We are cruising the historic and very scenic Rim of the World drive up to Big Bear lake for a spring BBQ in the mountains.

SoCal Celica BBQ Meet & Cruise

Big Bear Lake, CA
1PM Meet at Wildwood Park in San Bernardino for photos and drive
130PM Cruise up the Rim of the World Highway to Big Bear, with stops!
3PM-5PM BBQ in Meadow Park at Big Bear Lake

Sunday, April 15th 1PM till 5pm.

1) TRDRACING89 - Matthew - 94' Celica GT (celicatech.com)
2) Car Barn Bandit - Michael - 91' Celica GTS (celicatech.com)
3) Eric Barrera - Eric - 91' Celica GT (celicatech.com)
4) zen - name? - 91' Celica GTS (celicatech.com)
5) lalojamesliz - Eduardo - 91' Celica Alltrac (celicatech.com)
6) tubasteve - Steve - 90' Celica Alltrac (alltrac.net)
7) 199celica - name? - 99' Celica GT (6gc.net)
8) celica_gtx - name? - 90' GT (alltrac.net) possible
9) Juan - 90' Alltrac (alltrac.net)
10) 310celicagt2003 - Melvin - 03' Celica GT (newcelica.org)
11) MDcelica - name? - 91' Celica GTS (alltrac.net)
12) Angel - 91' Celica Alltrac (alltrac.net)
13) Salvador - 73' Celica (1stgencelica.com)
14) Isaias - 80' Celica
15) Danny - 83' Celica GT
16) Schwartz202 - 94' Celica GTS (6gc.net)
17) Bruce - 94' MR2 (facebook)
18) KillBill - Xavier - 88' Celica Alltrac (alltrac.net)
19) Adam - 81' Celica Coupe
20) Stewart - stewartkb - 84' Celica-Supra
21) Streetgambler - 03' Celica GT
22) Carlos - Corolla

Let's spread the word and get a few Celicas together to show the rest of the world we exist! This will be a day of cruising, photos and food, so don't miss it!

RSVP via email at team.america@me.com

(original thread: http://www.celicatech.com/forums/showthrea...day-April-15th))

This post has been edited by Car_Barn_Bandit: Apr 14, 2012 - 8:45 PM
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post Mar 15, 2012 - 7:43 PM
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Joined Jul 29, '11
From chino, Ca
Currently Offline

Reputation: 4 (100%)

what is the latest date to put our name in. i want to say i am going but i don't want work or any emergency's to get in the way.

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