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> Swapping out rear hub onto new bearing
post Aug 24, 2012 - 7:25 PM
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Joined Jan 4, '12
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So my passenger side rear bearing is bad and I purchased a new one. However after looking at the how-to on the stickies I see the hub comes with a nut. I searched some and that nut was called a "one-time use nut"...

Kind of a stupid question but can I reuse that nut somehow? How do I go about swapping the old hub onto the new bearing?

1993 Celica GT Coupe - sold
1994 Celica GT Liftback
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post Aug 26, 2012 - 12:40 AM
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Joined Jan 4, '12
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QUOTE (njccmd2002 @ Aug 25, 2012 - 9:30 PM) *
so what did u end up putting, a celica or camry hub

Celica bearing, reused old hub. Got the bearing on eBay for $25+$10 shipping

QUOTE (trdproven @ Aug 25, 2012 - 9:52 PM) *
changing a bearing is just like changing any bearing, you take off the hub or hit it out i guess if it works, there is a race piece from the bearing sometimes gets stuck on the hub, sometimes people cut it off or pull it off, press out the old bearing put in the new one. simple. not sure why buying a whole assembly is needed, thats only if the whole thing is damaged, i only change the bearings ONLY.

Yep... If you've got the tools, it's a lot cheaper to do the bearing only. The hub rarely goes bad. Might be a good idea to get a new axle nut for the hub, even though you can reuse the old one if it's not damaged and you've got some red loctite.

Supposedly these "lock-nuts" are one-time use but I've re-used axle nuts with no issues in the past and so has my mechanic and other friends. If you want peace of mind use loctite and it will for sure not get loose. I was worried they were a different kind of nut until I saw it.

If you don't have the tools and want to DIY with minimal effort, and have got tons of money to burn, go ahead and buy OEM... locally they wanted $430 for the OEM hub+bearing assembly.

1993 Celica GT Coupe - sold
1994 Celica GT Liftback

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