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> Hole in transmission?
post Mar 30, 2004 - 2:12 AM
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Joined May 8, '03
From San Jose, CA
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I was under the car today looking to see if a leak I fixed was still an issue, and see something red. Nothing on my car is red so I'm like wtf is that. Look closer and there is a 4" x 2" or so hole in my transmission housing where it bolts to the engine and I can look in and see my flywheel (that's what the red was). It's not damaged or anything like that... it is manufactured that way and looks like there is supposed to be some type of covering there.

Anyone know what this is? I've never seen this before.. I think I haven't noticed it because either there actually was a covering there, or because my old flywheel was silver. What's supposed to be here? I'm wondering if the shop that did the clutch job lost the covering or I'm just going insane.

- aba

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