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> Am I welcome on this forum, Seeking FE FI info.
post Jun 17, 2005 - 1:13 AM
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Joined Mar 31, '05
From Northern England.
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Guys and Gals

I want to learn more about FE modifying - specificaly generation 6.

No many people in the UK modify the Gen 6 FE with FI and I'm genuinely interested - and I presumed coming to a forum which deals with such modifications could be the place to learn.

However, my last posts on these threads went completely ignored.

Can I please be given a straight answer to the thread title as its a little off putting, and if i'm not welcome i'll sling my hook.

these are the threads http://www.6gc.net/forums/index.php?showto...71&#entry296771
- or is it more a case of my interupting a thread?

I am a member of the celica community and do not understand why I am being seemingly ignored? my posts are skipped past as if i'm on the 'ignore user' list of those following the threads.

I mean no offence.



see my gallery at http://www.gt4oc.net/owners/owners_page.php?owner=2938

90 GT4 JDM 270bhp
89 GT4 UK Carlos Sainz Engine and Tranny - project
87 GT Convertible, 3SGE powered with nitrous, 205bhp.

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