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> Signs of life after death..., The celica may be back on the road summer 06
post Mar 23, 2006 - 8:17 PM
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Joined Jan 29, '03
From San Diego, CA
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Hello fellow 6gener's!

So its been months since i last posted anything. And its been a year since my car has been running.
My apologies cuz i've been lazy and i havent really put any thoughts on her. But today i decided to to see if i the wiring that Dr.Tweak made for me works.

Yesterday i plugged in all the wires i could and then to the battery. Nothing happened. I didnt have much light as the sun came down so i stopped for the day. Today i got back under the hood. Grounded the proper wires and placed in the battery. the "Brake" light goes on! YaY! first sign of life! After some testing i ran into some prolems.

1) the windshield wiper works only when i hold down the high beam.

i got back under the hood and found that some grounds were not secured down properly.
fixed that then got back in the car. almost all electricals work. Although the fans automatically turn on when i place the key in. but i was told that that isnt much of a problem.

So yes! im back on to finishing this damned swap.

if you dont already know. we are talking about a 4agze from a aw11(mr2 89) and puting it into a 94 celica st.

Its one of the most dificult swaps ever. Dont do it unless you have a lot of patience and have an experienced mecanic that can undo the mistakes. But theres a corolla tech thats going to be helping me, and he says it may be easier than people make it to be. so will see what happens in the next few months.

Chris Malaqui
Non-running Celica

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