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> FMIC, front mount water to air intercooler
post Aug 10, 2006 - 2:38 AM
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Joined Aug 17, '03
From new jersey
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Hey guys i was wondering about a water to air intercooler. not a heat exchanher but an actual FMIC. would this be something worth getting? the whole thing with the TMIC is that they get heat soaked. but if the air is passing through the same point, where air is passing past the water i.e. the coolest piont. wouldn't that be better? if u keep the system seperate from the radiator and keep a resivoir tank away from the engine or vented in some way, would this be more effiecent than an air-to-air setup. i cant really see how it wouldnt but can u guys and gals help me brain storm? wink.gif

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