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> Magnum PI, PoPos on my nards
post Dec 23, 2002 - 7:23 PM
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Joined Dec 13, '02
From Corpus Christi, TX
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OK guys, I know I've been a member here a while but have never posted. However, something happened today that I felt you should all know about. Today I went out to the park and had my bro film me busting donuts and powerslides on this patch of gravel in the parking lot. All of a sudden an undercover pig pulls up in this lame Ford Taurus and proceded to jock my droors. Luckily, the pig (whose name was officer Magnum, how cool is that?) was a member at the bank I work at. So he changed his attitude real fast and crap. It was pretty funny. However, I'm sick of cops always jockin' me cause they think my Celica is a Supra or something. If he did his research he'd probably find out his Taurus is packing more horses than my Celica GT. lol. But I'd like to see him busting 1337 rally style power slides in his smokey-mobile. wink.gif

Here's the link to see some of the outtakes, but beware the loading.

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