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> Don't know if I should brag..., What are the spec on a...
post Oct 17, 2003 - 3:41 PM
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Joined Mar 6, '03
From South Central Los Angeles and Long Beach, CA
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Can someone tell me the specs on a Benz C320? I think thats what i raced yesterday morning on my way to work. It was like a late 90's model, maybe 98? OR any benz in that class?

Ok this is how it went. I was going west down Slauson around 5:30AM. When i stopped at a red light. Then this dumb guy in a black benz takes off pretty quickly. I just ignored it. But there was a VAN that started to ride my A$$ cwm13.gif as i started moving, then he switched lanes pulled up next to me to try to pass me but that ticked me off i was like "What in the world are you thinking?" So i just pick it up enough to leave him like 10 cars behind me and switch right back into his lane. BUt guess where that brought me? Right behind the BENZ. biggrin.gif I still didnt think anything about it until we were at another red light about to hope on to the 90 freeway. I actually just started "Granny Shifting" and the Benz was right on me and kinda picking up some good speed. SO i just said F**k it, I gunned it in forth and KILLED that benz. By the time I hit 80mph he backed off and got behind me. owned.gif

But like i said I'm not sure what the specs are on that car, IF it even was that car. I am pretty sure i did see a 3 on it and i know BENZ's are usually really heavy. SO i don't know if you guys would consider that a good win but a win none the less.


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