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> Need Advice..What 2Swap from 96, into a 95, 96 auto into a 95 5 speed.
post Aug 25, 2009 - 7:19 PM
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Joined Jul 23, '09
From Fresno, Ca
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Reputation: 6 (100%)

Hey everyone.. i'm from fresno, ca. I love this site and i love my car. I drive a 95 5 speed st. I HAD a 96 but its totaled. It was an automatic, but in very good condition (or so i think..)

Anyways, So far, i swapped front and back headlights. Swapped the trunk lift/holder thingys. completely swapped interior. Went from ugly tan everything to 25 anniversary seats, and black carpet. Installed after market stereo , face plate. Had an alarm, remote start and keyless entry installed.

I had a new front axle installed, swapped alternators, battery, front ac unit. Thats all i can think of right now.

Anyways.. my questions are: My 96 was an auto. but had abs, and cruise control. My current car, the 95 5 speed does not have abs, or CC. Is it possible to add those to my 95? with the parts from my 96?

what else should i look into swapping out?

the 96 was taken way better care of then my 95.. I just wanna know if any of you Celica gurus out there have any advice on what other parts i should look into checking and or swapping before i completely lose my 96. thanks again!!!

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