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> Thump sound when powering into lefts, What could it be????
post Apr 9, 2012 - 12:29 AM
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Joined Jan 10, '11
From Trail BC
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Hey guys, so I've done my 3rd gen 3sgte swap and kept the 5sfe front wheel drive tranny, I believe it's the s54 transmission I think???
Anyway, when taking lefts, I am noticing a thump thump thump sound coming out of my front driverside quarter....I noticed it only does it when powering into/through a left turn????? Speed is also a factor, if pulling away from a stop sign, the thump sound is slow, because your just starting out I'n motion, if going down the highway at 160kmh, it sounds like an angry woodpecker! When going into lefts, I have pulled/pushed on components trying to find something suspect, but everything seems snug and tight....Mind you, I actually havn't jacked up the car, and tried moving the wheels back n fourth, to see if it's a balljoint, Any other ideas of what this could be fellas? Thanx big time

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