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> Fun looking MMORPG coming out, If you're a gamer as well as a tuner, look into Chronicles of Elyr
post May 19, 2016 - 5:39 PM
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Joined Jun 7, '05
From Corvallis, OR
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This is totally random, and not even close to Celica related, but thought I'd share for anyone who might be interested. I'm getting super excited for a new MMORPG that it in development right now. It's called Chronicles of Elyria. It's a massively ambitious project and the game is going to be absurdly immersive. It's being compared to a medieval simulator in some ways. You can be a farmer, an explorer, a blacksmith, a map maker, or architect, etc. You can also be nobility, and manage your land, collect taxes, etc. Oh, also...your character gets old and dies eventually (about 1 year of game-play). However, in your next life, you retain some of the skills your soul learned in your first life. Anyway, I'm definitely going to play it. Feel free to ask any questions if you have them.

You can find their KickStarter page here (already more than 100% funded): https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/soulbo...ing/description

And you can read up on the game mechanics and features on their website here: http://chroniclesofelyria.com/blog


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