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> 7afe guys, I need some serious help...
post Apr 10, 2018 - 4:03 PM
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Joined Apr 10, '18
From Louisiana
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Hey guys,

I have a 1994 Toyota Celica ST, 1.8l 7a-fe, standard tranny.

I am restoring and rebuilding this car. Yeah, I know it's not a GT. Yeah, I know it's slow. Anyways, a rat chewed into the engine wiring about 3 years ago... I've been working on and off again on the car. Now I am motivated to get it finished. This past winter, I went through the tedious task of learning wiring diagrams, going over every wire, repairing, etc. Last week, after replacing some components such as fuel pump and distributor, I fired this baby up. And it cranked up immediately... perfectly... in about 3 minutes the blue smoke cleared from the exhaust. This thing ran like the first day I got it. I was proud.


Long story short, I ran a hot wire to the condenser fan and burned up some wiring. I went back and replaced the wiring I fried, plus replaced the fuses that blew, and also traced all the wiring (since I haven't wrapped it up yet Thank God) and then tried to crank it last night. Nothing... efi fuse still keeps blowing.

I tear open the ecu... and low and behold, I have a broken burnt trace, and 2 diodes exploded. I am pretty savvy at repairing electronics... HOWEVER, I cannot find anything on the web that can tell me what kind of diodes I need. So, I need a very nice member of this forum to do me a favor...

I need to know what kind of diodes go into the D001 and D004 spots on the 7A-FE ECU for a manual transmission. I will now attempt to post some pics.

This post has been edited by ScottieDaddy: Apr 12, 2018 - 9:05 AM

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