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> 20 year anniversary, 6gc 20 year anniversary
post Feb 23, 2013 - 2:45 AM
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Joined Oct 29, '04
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I had an idea and I wanted to run it by everyone and see what people think, and if it looks like it can pan out I would drop alot of money on the event just to make it worth the while.

The Idea

THE BIGGEST 6GC meet ever.
Location: TBD (but I was thinking centra united states so people from all over can drive.)
Date: Sometime during the summer of 2014
EVENT: Most likely a large camp site with tons of parking spots. smile.gif
Venue: Games, Contest, Prizes, Best in Show, Partying smile.gif

Again, this is just an idea, and was going to see if it would be worth the trouble.
It would be a little over a year out, but just wanting to know if anyone will be interested. If I get at least 50 interested ill build a website and start getting the plannings going.
I just thought it would be kinda cool to get a couple hundred 6gc's together in one spot for the 20 year smile.gif.
Expecially cuase we can discuss importing 94GT4's by then smile.gif
Let me know.

Please respond with a post like mine that will fallow this one.

1. Are you interested?
2. Are you willing to contribute in some way?
3. Your location (so we can pic the best average location for event.)
Sierra Vista Az
4. Number of hours max your willing to drive for event.
Dont matter
5. Any additional comments.

Celica Enthusiast with no experience. LoLs Looking for people closer to my area to talk/work on projects, let me know if your near 85635 Sierra Vista, Az
post Feb 23, 2013 - 6:57 AM
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Joined Jun 29, '08
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A nationwide 6gc meet has been tried before and regrettably fell flat. There was some mild interest but very few would actually go through with it. I'd be in if this one could actually get going.

"Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others labored hard for." -Socrates. Even Socrates told us to use the search button!

2006 Aston Martin V8 Vantage.
1998 Celica GT-
BEAMS Swapped.
2022 4Runner TRD Off Road Prenium.
2021 GMC Sierra AT4.
post Feb 23, 2013 - 7:43 AM
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Joined Dec 22, '06
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i had always thought about planning one of these but was deterred for the above reason ^

if we could get a hundred confirmed people. I would for sure be there.

I would be willing to help with the planning site etc.

Would making it Celica MR2 and Supra 20 yr anniv meet help any?

This post has been edited by Tigawoods: Feb 23, 2013 - 7:45 AM


1995 GT::::Diffusing the Situation
march 2010 COTM : 6GC feature 2014 : january 2015-2016-2018 COTM
post Feb 23, 2013 - 11:04 AM
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Joined Feb 4, '12
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Im not saying for sure that me or kurt95tgt is definately in but we would like to see it happen. Hopefully by then he will have his v6 celica road ready and ill have mine. Oh yeah we are from ohio.
post Feb 23, 2013 - 11:22 AM
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Joined Dec 7, '07
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Put me down

Can contribute depending on number of members evolving before official date

Corpus Christi, Tax

20hrs Max

It will be the first official meet I've ever been to and I'm sure my car will be running by then

This post has been edited by Lil-Joe101: Feb 23, 2013 - 11:32 AM

From Japan to Texas my st202 follows me.

Being different from every angle of the word, leading the Revolution (TOYOTA NATION)
The RHD st202 that made it from Japan check it out. http://www.6gc.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=78103
post Feb 23, 2013 - 2:40 PM
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I'm most definitely am in

Always fast and going for the look......
post Feb 23, 2013 - 3:55 PM
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it has to be here...


Learned a lot in 10 years... I hardly log in anymore, last login Today Sept 6 2019, and I was forced just to clarify a post. LOL

If you PM me and I dont respond, dont fret or cry. Im alive, better post your questions in the thread below, maybe I log back in

2grfe Swapped... Why I chose the 2GR, before you ask read here...

A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.

@llamaraxing in Instagram is the best way to find me. I hardly log here anymore.
post Feb 23, 2013 - 3:58 PM
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Joined Dec 22, '06
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burnouts infront that small outhouse of a church?


1995 GT::::Diffusing the Situation
march 2010 COTM : 6GC feature 2014 : january 2015-2016-2018 COTM
post Feb 23, 2013 - 4:24 PM
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We drive our 6g down from Chicago to ATL then back up to Knoxville for the celicatech dragon run every year, so as long as the timing is right, I have no issues driving down for something.

post Feb 24, 2013 - 6:48 PM
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Joined Jun 29, '08
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The biggest failing I see in a meet this size- how many active members do we have here, posting daily? We hardly have more than we are saying we'd have to have in order to bring this together. For instance:

As you can see, it only takes a single post to make it on our Top 20 Posters list. I know that's in no way related to how many daily active members we have, but it's still a bit depressing that our traffic is that low. It just seems to me like wanting 50 or 100 members in for sure is asking entirely too much. 15-20 seems possible but 50 to 100, I don't see that happening. frown.gif

One thing I think we could do, is join a nationwide Celica meet that already exists as sort of a sub-group. Like Celicatech's Dragon meet. It's not exactly located centrally but it is a nationwide Celica meet that we could all meet up at. I don't know, I'm just throwing suggestions out there.

"Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others labored hard for." -Socrates. Even Socrates told us to use the search button!

2006 Aston Martin V8 Vantage.
1998 Celica GT-
BEAMS Swapped.
2022 4Runner TRD Off Road Prenium.
2021 GMC Sierra AT4.
post Feb 26, 2013 - 1:28 PM
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Joined Apr 24, '08
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ahh what im not on the top 20 posts?? laugh.gif

this would be great to do if even possible. I would only go to something like this if there were 50 6gc's. but yea it would have to be with group of toyota vehicles. Eeek gas is a killer as well...

Group buy to replicate Narrow E series transaxle parts

post Feb 26, 2013 - 4:54 PM
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Joined Aug 4, '06
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There won't be.

Even the biggest Dragon meet only had 30 something cars.

I may be biased, but I agree with Daniel. Make the Dragon the national meet, sure its not limited to 6g's but at least you'll have more celicas around.

post Feb 27, 2013 - 1:44 AM
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Joined Apr 3, '10
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TORC in May? I'll be there. But I'm driving the RA29 out smile.gif Make it a long weekend thing. Cruise GMR or Mulholland, get some Donut Man and definitely In 'N Out!
post Mar 5, 2013 - 9:32 PM
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Joined Dec 19, '07
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I'm down for this and Im sure I can bring a few more 6gc's with me. Try not to be too pessimistic - we've had 20+ Texas meets on multiple occasions. This could work.


ENGINE: '93 RC 3S-GTE/WRC CT-20b [18-20PSI]
SUSP: Tein/Bilstein/SusTech/
INT: SS-III SEATS/Toyota Hyper Sports
QUOTE (lagos @ Aug 25, 2010 - 10:13 AM) *
Its a safety feature so that people like you don't end up killing themselves or everyone around them.
Slow down Paul Walker.

6GC Chat - Go there: [url="http://www.griffgirl.com/forum/chat/index.php[/url]
post Mar 5, 2013 - 10:22 PM
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Joined May 11, '09
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1. Are you interested?
Hell yes
2. Are you willing to contribute in some way?
Of course
3. Your location (so we can pic the best average location for event.)
Oside CA
4. Number of hours max your willing to drive for event.
Itll be in my Celica so. . . i dont care.
5. Any additional comments.
We really should try to make something like this happen. TORC is badass and its super close to me, but a 6GC event would be much better.

post Mar 10, 2013 - 1:38 AM
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Joined Mar 8, '12
From Hanford/Fresno, Ca
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1. Are you interested?
2. Are you willing to contribute in some way?
3. Your location (so we can pic the best average location for event.)
Central Cali
4. Number of hours max your willing to drive for event.
200 miles
5. Any additional comments.
As much as I would want to go to a 6gc meet. I don't like driving my car anywhere 100+ miles with my Celica. Just because I hate traveling in car. Lol. If I get lucky and its under 200 miles I'd come. Doubt it will be but yea. Lol.

post Mar 10, 2013 - 11:10 PM
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Joined Mar 19, '11
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1. Are you interested?
2. Are you willing to contribute in some way?
3. Your location (so we can pic the best average location for event.)
4. Number of hours max your willing to drive for event.
5. Any additional comments.
With enough time to plan I would be willing.

90' Toyota Celica GT (sold)
99' Toyota Celica GT
post Mar 12, 2013 - 11:28 PM
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Joined Aug 4, '06
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1 yeah
2 yea
3 Ontario, Canada
4 12-15
5 warm weather ;-)

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