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> Do you like Bush?, After everything thats happened
Do you like Bush?
Do you like Bush?
Yes [ 19 ] ** [30.16%]
No [ 38 ] ** [60.32%]
Undecided [ 6 ] ** [9.52%]
Total Votes: 67
post Sep 9, 2005 - 3:54 PM
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firemen and police being shot at, firem en need protection hile putting out fires.. pathetic..

post Sep 9, 2005 - 4:04 PM
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copters were sent to get ppl and some ppl shot at the copters, wth is that?!

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post Sep 9, 2005 - 5:01 PM
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QUOTE(LewFX @ Sep 9, 2005 - 4:46 PM)
well its not my fault that you young'ems care only about yourself and listen to the democratic way. call me old fashion then.

Old fashion huh, if it were Reagan he would have dug up Afghanistan to find Osama, and if he couldn't find him he would have probably torched the entire country, in the real "old days" (WWII to be exact) every asian in america was held prisoner because of Pearl Harbor, today Bush sends the family of the guy who attacked us home. Old fashion is when you have a job to do you do it and not take as much time off as you work, the only good thing that Bush was considering was the coastal defense system.

This country lost it's way, if we did it the Bush way then everyone would have 3 months paid vacation and we'd all get to sit on our ass instead of working, oh yeah we'd also get to kill others as long as they're middle eastern (but not Saudi because they pay you), oh yeah let's not forget that we are automatic war heros for flying a non-combat active plane over an inactive base in no wars in the easiest branch of the entire armed forces of america. Call me old fashined but that doesn't sound like the american way, maybe the corporate way but not american. (BTW we'd all be illiterate, j/k)

As for the helos being attacked by our own people, yeah it's wrong and if they're running because they were looting and willing to kill to get away, call me old fashioned but let them stay for a month and figure out where their next meal is coming from when they looted all of it and gave up help (of course we'd have to condem New Orleans) or tranq their ass, cage them up, and send them to Yemen because they prove they don't belong here.
post Sep 9, 2005 - 9:48 PM
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QUOTE(darksecret @ Sep 9, 2005 - 1:27 PM)

Go to his website and you'll find out where to find those "photochoped" documents, usually from the Washington Post, NYT, or CNN guess they're in on his propoganda also (at least he didn't hire an actress to do it all *cough* social security report). For those who think he couldn't do anything know nothing of the chain of command, in certain times of crisis the president can supercede all and give direct action unless congress decides to step in, this is enough to become a national crisis and Bush had the authority to send help at any time. IMO I would have at the very least dispatched a Marine Reserve unit (in which even Congress or any other part of the government can't control that, Marines are directly ordered by the president without approval from anyone). As far as people not leaving, hey you miss the boat then you had your chance for help and refused, that means the government did their part.

Why would I go to his website, I saw this on a reputable news source. If you are gullable enough to believe what he says that is up to you.

President Bush did declare a state of emergency for LA and Mississippi 2 days before the levi's broke. This gave the full power to FEMA to respond at any time. Why did the state government not send in national guardsman? Why did the major of New Orleans not help? Lets blame one person for the whole thing.

Personally I like the clips of perfectly healthy people sitting in chairs saying "Help us we are dying" get off your *sses and go help your selves! GO FIND FOOD GO FIND WATER! I also like the clip of the guy carrying a TV on his shoulder in the background while a guy in front says "we have need food to survive."
post Sep 9, 2005 - 10:49 PM
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^ when they did that, the media called them looters and portrayed them as thieves.

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post Sep 10, 2005 - 10:37 AM
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So I would rather live and be called a looter then die and feel sorry for myself.
post Sep 10, 2005 - 12:02 PM
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The point about going to his site is he has the reputable news sources and the time and date they aired or were published, you act like he made it all up. The only reason Michael Moore gets flak is because he told everyone how it was without suger coating and actually used some of the almighty Bush "exaggeration" tactics against the republicans, oh well he still told the truth. BTW he never said there was no such thing as terrorist trying to attack us like the idiots that made FahrenHYPE crap accused him of(yes there was republican version also attempting to fault Moore) he was just trying to say playing with the terrorist warning system to keep people afraid is really sad and that we are very vulnerable (there are more ways to get into this country than planes). I wasn't just accusing Bush for the hurricane but the fact is during a national crisis he has full authority to do anything without asking FEMA (look at when the FAA grounded the planes and he still allowed the Bin Laden family to leave), if time goes on without a quick response he calls the shots, I mean the guy always manages to be on vacation when bad times hit (he has a desk job with hundreds of assistants), if he did his job right he could take all the vacations he wanted.

BTW as bad as it sounds we're suppose to think of our people first, what was Bush waiting on for Iraq to become stable. What I can't figure out is he can't even manage a larger (formerly) stable country with a formerly organized successful government and probably the best president we've ever had as the predecessor giving a surplus (and if anyone brings up the BJ thing, I swear almost all of our presidents had something minor like that and it didn't have much of an effect on us, Jefferson was a bootlegger for christ sake), how is he going to manage a country he destroyed, with little money, little development, rebellion everywhere, and a laughable military.

This post has been edited by darksecret: Sep 10, 2005 - 12:10 PM
post Sep 10, 2005 - 1:34 PM
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Check your facts. The country was already going into a recession when Bush took office.

If Clinton had done his job, 9-11 would have never happened. In I think it was 96, after the first WTC bombing, he had the opportunity to kill Bin Laden but he was to afraid of the criticism to pull the trigger. And before you say I'm making stuff up I have it on tape still I think, it was on a documentary about 9-11, and it wasn't done by some hollywood producer out to make money. But wait that wasn't in Moore's film was it. I personally don't live in fear, I don't live any different than I did before 9-11.

What national disasters did Clinton face of this magnitude? None, because this has been the biggest national disaster in the history of our country, bigger than the LA quake, bigger than Andrew.
post Sep 10, 2005 - 1:47 PM
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now the college crap is something i can relate to!
30K a year, i got grants for working hard, BUT the school gives practically free tuition to minorities giving them a "second chance". This means is doesn't matter HOW they did in HS or anything, i'd say 50% of em really care and tried/try though. just retarded.

post Sep 10, 2005 - 3:15 PM
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^ im a minority who doesnt get financial aid cause my parents make enough, but ill argue for minorities here.

A lot of kids (mostly minorities, but im not gonna generalize) grow up in urban areas. They often have dysfunctional families. They also often have low incomes. Look at the flip side, many kids grow up in suburban or affluent areas with both parents and high incomes.

Which school probably has the better teachers/materials/programs, the one in the hood or the one in the hills?

What's wrong with giving a kid a chance when he's already been put at a disadvantage?

(But at the same time I do tend to disagree with strict affirmative action/quotas...make em earn it, but don't give the rich/White kids an unfair advantage)
post Sep 10, 2005 - 4:04 PM
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i view welfare systems as a safety net under a trapeze....

pretend you are doing the trapeze and there is no net below you... are you going to try harder?

pretend you know there is a sofy, cushy net below you... are you going to try as hard?

thought so.

i am awesome
post Sep 10, 2005 - 4:55 PM
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QUOTE(Digndoug @ Sep 7, 2005 - 7:42 PM)
I dont like any of them.. but I doubt Kerry wouldnt have done a better job.

All it is which dumbaarse do you want running things? The dumbarse we already know or the one we dont know.

hell in the last election i didn't vote cuz there was no "Do Over" choice lol

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post Sep 11, 2005 - 2:04 AM
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My opinion- our current Administration is just a huge embarrasment. Bush is largely responsible for many of the worst problems our country has ever faced within the realms of financial stability, political and military credibility, hypocracy, useless occupations of non-combatant countries and states, gross miscalculations, death of the innocent, lies, tragedy, unemployment, dropping value of US currency, largest deficit the country has seen in many decades....foul business negotiations....and last and CERTAINLY not least, his inability to be a genuine, sincere and articulately spoken president.

Now my father and also my girlfriends father are both loosing their jobs to overseas workers in a month, and I'm pretty sure I have our couuntry is to thank for that. Wonder if thats considered a "disadvantage".....

Simply sickening. I pray to God that somehow this country will change back to its non-combatant, financially stable self.


3rd gen ST205 3SGTE - Alive and boosting.
post Sep 11, 2005 - 11:03 AM
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QUOTE(Silver94CelicaOwner @ Sep 11, 2005 - 7:04 AM)
Now my father and also my girlfriends father are both loosing their jobs to overseas workers in a month, and I'm pretty sure I have our couuntry is to thank for that.  Wonder if thats considered a "disadvantage".....

This has nothing to do with our government. It' simply the markets moving towards a global economy, it's simple economics. In today's job market you have to be either diversified in what you are trained in, or trained in a job that will never be able to go overseas, like doctors or nurses.
post Sep 11, 2005 - 11:26 AM
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^^ Its our government who is allowing them to go overseas

Opposition is building


AFL-CIO President John Sweeney, in a statement published on the organization's Web site, criticized the Bush administration for its support of outsourcing.

"It's outrageous that despite one of the worst job creation records in history, and despite the 9.9 million Americans still out of work in our jobless 'recovery,' the Bush administration has blessed sending more jobs overseas in its annual economic report to Congress," he said.

Politicians are beginning to respond to pressure to do something about the movement of jobs to other countries. Congress is currently debating a proposed law that would stop the government from buying goods and services from companies that outsource. Another proposal would require workers at telephone call centers to disclose their physical locations at the beginning of each call.

This post has been edited by BlackCelicaGT94: Sep 11, 2005 - 11:26 AM

Cruisin down the street in my Infiniti...always lookin for my next trip to Sin City
post Sep 11, 2005 - 4:08 PM
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Well considering every state is considered seperate, what is Bush supposed to do? He cant act unless the governor of New Orleans asked for it. Bush cant force every single person down there to leave. So everyone blames him for it? for the 61 % of people who dont like Bush, move to Canada cause there aint crap you can do for a few more years k thnks wink.gif
post Sep 11, 2005 - 4:16 PM
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move to Canada cause there aint crap you can do for a few more years

How many presidents have we had impeached so far?

Actually, trying to change anything at that high of a level won't help the victims. A more effective strategy would be to have a 6GC LA meet with food, clothing, first aid...

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post Sep 11, 2005 - 4:19 PM
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well I guess its a good thing, forgot who, but someone said the US is always first the help others out, lets give them a hand. Its good to see others are helping us out in a time of need, forget the damn war its about people helping people
post Sep 11, 2005 - 5:47 PM
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QUOTE(94CelicaRedHatch @ Sep 11, 2005 - 2:08 PM)
So everyone blames him for it? for the 61 % of people who dont like Bush, move to Canada cause there aint crap you can do for a few more years k thnks  wink.gif

i went to canada and showed my ID for some alcohol and the guy was like "ur president scares us up here" and i replied with "he scares alot of us down here too"

so even canada is scared of him!

Cruisin down the street in my Infiniti...always lookin for my next trip to Sin City
post Sep 11, 2005 - 6:31 PM
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Joined Jan 28, '05
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Can all the democrats please go to canada.

This post has been edited by LewFX: Sep 11, 2005 - 6:33 PM

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