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> more bacon pr0n
post May 29, 2008 - 8:19 PM
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Joined Feb 8, '04
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you have to get creative when your on the low carb diet sometimes.....

(Bacon, Pepperoni and cheese fried to orgasmic perfection!)

"...Armed with backbone and busted zoo gates, promising you from the bottom of my harmonica pocket - FOREVER - you will never have another lonely holiday..."

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post May 29, 2008 - 9:43 PM
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freddy, that really is the other meat...
this may sound wierd but it actually looks good.....
what other inventions do u gots?

This post has been edited by monkey: May 29, 2008 - 9:44 PM
post May 29, 2008 - 9:49 PM
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we should start a Custom food thread haha


‹Superaison› i'm a computer inclined guy..
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‹SeverX13› *facepalm*

suprakid: o sh!t
suprakid: i wanna get an obama chia pet
SeverX13: hahahahaha
post May 29, 2008 - 11:22 PM
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a high carb diet is much healthier than that. but then again... unhealthy = delicious

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ss-iii splitters and 404 skirts are on. which means i need to update my sig.
post May 29, 2008 - 11:42 PM
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QUOTE (j0e_p3t @ May 29, 2008 - 10:22 PM) *
a high carb diet is much healthier than that. but then again... unhealthy = delicious

i have to do the low carb deal due to high triglyceride levels (low cholestoral fortunately)

well technically im on the anabolic diet but the low carb portion of my week is pretty rough so i try to keep it enjoyable wink.gif

QUOTE (monkey @ May 29, 2008 - 8:43 PM) *
freddy, that really is the other meat...
this may sound wierd but it actually looks good.....
what other inventions do u gots?

Well earlier i had a fajita burger wrap (burger pattie with fajita fixin's and cheese) mmmm mmmm good

"...Armed with backbone and busted zoo gates, promising you from the bottom of my harmonica pocket - FOREVER - you will never have another lonely holiday..."

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post May 30, 2008 - 5:07 AM
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Wow, dieting sure looks more fun across the pond! laugh.gif

post May 30, 2008 - 8:09 AM
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Joined Jan 18, '08
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you guys have obviously never eaten at my house wink.gif I was a chief for like 8 years before i had to settle down in this office, and believe you-me when i say i can whip up some dishes tongue.gif

And that dish on the top shall be recreated and perfected. biggrin.gif

EDIT: because it does look so good smile.gif

This post has been edited by D-Man: May 30, 2008 - 8:09 AM

QUOTE (presure2 @ Nov 6, 2010 - 6:16 AM)
Via FB: fcuking awsome!!! D-man FTW!

QUOTE (DEATH @ Nov 11, 2008 - 5:40 PM) *
Damn D-Man - most impressive.

QUOTE (99GT @ Nov 14, 2008 - 4:04 PM) *
D-Man's post should be a sticky

QUOTE (samir0189 @ Nov 4, 2008 - 10:50 AM) *
LOL, oh boy, you can always count on D-Man for ridiculously hilarious posts.
post May 30, 2008 - 8:42 AM
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QUOTE (D-Man @ May 30, 2008 - 7:09 AM) *
you guys have obviously never eaten at my house wink.gif I was a chief for like 8 years before i had to settle down in this office, and believe you-me when i say i can whip up some dishes tongue.gif

And that dish on the top shall be recreated and perfected. biggrin.gif

EDIT: because it does look so good smile.gif

LOL Awesome, i'll run it by my brothers partner and see what he can suggest to increase the awesomeness level since hes some uber chef

"...Armed with backbone and busted zoo gates, promising you from the bottom of my harmonica pocket - FOREVER - you will never have another lonely holiday..."

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post May 30, 2008 - 9:10 AM
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Joined Feb 10, '03
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Bacons gross. That looks gross.

post May 30, 2008 - 9:11 AM
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Joined Aug 21, '07
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ahhhmmm not really... mushrooms wrapped in bacon, now that's the shiznit.


"In hoc signo vinces." In this sign thou shalt conquer."

Gone but never forgotten....
post May 30, 2008 - 9:33 AM
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looks tasty. add eggs for nice breakfast biggrin.gif

post May 30, 2008 - 12:20 PM
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Ok, tonight i will make bacon, pepperoni, one egg (to not over kill it), some mushrooms, cheese and possibly some diced up olives on the top of it...

"...Armed with backbone and busted zoo gates, promising you from the bottom of my harmonica pocket - FOREVER - you will never have another lonely holiday..."

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post May 30, 2008 - 12:26 PM
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Joined Jan 18, '08
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QUOTE (FreddyTheOthaMeat @ May 30, 2008 - 12:20 PM) *
Ok, tonight i will make bacon, pepperoni, one egg (to not over kill it), some mushrooms, cheese and possibly some diced up olives on the top of it...

Okay, Why not go ahead and beguelette that mo'fugger. Get a type of bread (I know you gotta watch it, but this is small proportion) like a slice of toast, or a pancake, with your egg stacked on that, make a ring of pepporoni with the bacon fried and de-fatted in the middle (after allowing the whole mushrooms and Olives? to marinate in a vinegar & Italian dressing sauce) on top of that and crash it with cheese and SnP, and maybe a few chives for color.

But i love the sh!t out of my pickled mushrooms. I keep a jinormus jar of em. wink.gif

It's really taste better to sautee the mushrooms and ditch the olives. crash it with american cheese. Loose the bread too.

QUOTE (presure2 @ Nov 6, 2010 - 6:16 AM)
Via FB: fcuking awsome!!! D-man FTW!

QUOTE (DEATH @ Nov 11, 2008 - 5:40 PM) *
Damn D-Man - most impressive.

QUOTE (99GT @ Nov 14, 2008 - 4:04 PM) *
D-Man's post should be a sticky

QUOTE (samir0189 @ Nov 4, 2008 - 10:50 AM) *
LOL, oh boy, you can always count on D-Man for ridiculously hilarious posts.
post May 30, 2008 - 12:49 PM
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Joined Feb 8, '04
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QUOTE (D-Man @ May 30, 2008 - 11:26 AM) *
QUOTE (FreddyTheOthaMeat @ May 30, 2008 - 12:20 PM) *
Ok, tonight i will make bacon, pepperoni, one egg (to not over kill it), some mushrooms, cheese and possibly some diced up olives on the top of it...

Okay, Why not go ahead and beguelette that mo'fugger. Get a type of bread (I know you gotta watch it, but this is small proportion) like a slice of toast, or a pancake, with your egg stacked on that, make a ring of pepporoni with the bacon fried and de-fatted in the middle (after allowing the whole mushrooms and Olives? to marinate in a vinegar & Italian dressing sauce) on top of that and crash it with cheese and SnP, and maybe a few chives for color.

But i love the sh!t out of my pickled mushrooms. I keep a jinormus jar of em. wink.gif

It's really taste better to sautee the mushrooms and ditch the olives. crash it with american cheese. Loose the bread too.

sweet, i can try that with some of my low carb bread.. but i love olives, i could have them with anything or even alone (me and my son killed a jar lastnight lol) i'll take some pics of the madness and post em up tonight

"...Armed with backbone and busted zoo gates, promising you from the bottom of my harmonica pocket - FOREVER - you will never have another lonely holiday..."

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post May 30, 2008 - 12:52 PM
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Joined Jan 18, '08
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i'm the same way with my Italian-pickled mushrooms wink.gif

QUOTE (presure2 @ Nov 6, 2010 - 6:16 AM)
Via FB: fcuking awsome!!! D-man FTW!

QUOTE (DEATH @ Nov 11, 2008 - 5:40 PM) *
Damn D-Man - most impressive.

QUOTE (99GT @ Nov 14, 2008 - 4:04 PM) *
D-Man's post should be a sticky

QUOTE (samir0189 @ Nov 4, 2008 - 10:50 AM) *
LOL, oh boy, you can always count on D-Man for ridiculously hilarious posts.
post May 30, 2008 - 5:33 PM
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QUOTE (Supersprynt @ May 30, 2008 - 10:10 AM) *
Bacons gross. That looks gross.

I'm with stoopid.

Although I do like a blt, but i like mostly Lettuce on my blt. So a bLt tongue.gif

QUOTE (D-Man @ May 30, 2008 - 1:52 PM) *
i'm the same way with my Italian-pickled mushrooms wink.gif

oh my gawd. I LOVE those. biggrin.gif

post May 31, 2008 - 10:55 PM
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Joined May 15, '05
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best bar food ever...deep fired pickels...omg..soo good
post Jun 1, 2008 - 12:31 AM
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Joined Apr 23, '08
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deep fried milky way.... uggggggghhhhhhhh or the personal favorite bacon cheese burger pizza with A1 sauce on top of it.

2nd Gen 3s-gte.... It lives!

"92-gt-quit making up random acronyms that dont mean anything. the only real acronym is JDM"
post Jun 1, 2008 - 8:51 PM
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Joined Dec 4, '07
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best deep fried item- from me workin at taco bell for about a year now, you get bored after eating every single menu item, so what we do is make out own combos of food. My one fav is a burrito, (bean,rice,steak,baja sauce,lettuce,3 cheese) then roll it up and throw it in the deep fryer.

Also there is a quick desert, take a couple torts roll them into a ball, throw in the deep fryer for 1 minute then dip them in the cinnimon sugar

ask them to do that next time at TB and see what they say haha


‹Superaison› i'm a computer inclined guy..
‹Superaison› or girl. idk what gender I am anymore.
‹SeverX13› *facepalm*

suprakid: o sh!t
suprakid: i wanna get an obama chia pet
SeverX13: hahahahaha
post Jun 2, 2008 - 5:46 AM
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Joined Jun 5, '06
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the dustin sandwich

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