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> Crashed, Yea
post Jul 24, 2004 - 7:00 AM
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Joined Nov 27, '02
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Do you have the front inner fender plastics..or not?you never replied.

IPB Image
post Jul 24, 2004 - 11:49 AM
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Joined Jul 16, '04
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me back. it happens that last night while loading gun cases in to the back of my car i broke the drivers side tap/post thingy that the inner trunk hook swings on. Im talking about that plastic hood that goes up and down with the hatchback door/trunk hood and is attached by rope on each side.

Do you know what im talking about lol?

N e way all i need is the plastic post that are on the plastic hood thingy which clip into certain points on the cars inner trunk area. Im not sure if the posts can be taken off of the plastic hood thingy but if they cant then i guess ill have to buy the whole thing.

O and while im at it theres these metal hooks on the hatch back hood/trunk door that allow the ropes from the plastic hood thing to connect to. Im missing the one on my passenger side. Its only a small metal peice but and while the drivers side ones compensates very well for the missing one i wouldnt mind having the other one too.

So so far its.
Tail lights (both left and right)
Hing for the plastic hood thingy (drivers side if they do separate)
Metal hook that holds the rope from the plastic hood thingy (pansenger side)

You didnt have fog lights by n e change did you?
post Jul 24, 2004 - 12:03 PM
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Joined Sep 28, '03
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I'll promise once most you loser 15 yr olds grow up and hit college life (if you can even get into college...you might be too bussy buying more neons at pepgirls), you'll end up drinking and driving. You may be surprised, but not everyone is as willing to give you a ride as you think. And you'll only know when you're put into that poisition. I've done. A lot. But I didn't speed.

In closing, eat a big red candle

NASA/SCCA RX-7....currently under the knife
92 Civic hatch B16 - Sold
10th anniv RX-7 - RIP
The Slow Celica - Sold...and then crushed crushed due to street racing.

Quote from Seinfeild: George's Boss reading a magazine: "People magazine's most beautiful people. Oh and a Celica...nothin wrong with that!"
post Jul 24, 2004 - 3:24 PM
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Well, I am in college and I wasn't stupid enough to start drinking. Some people tell me to grow up and have a little "fun". I don't understand how putting something into your body that isn't supposed to be there, not to mention having the potential to harm someone because of stupid decisions, is "fun". I say grow up to all of you who think that drinking is "cool". I have many a friend who have started drinking and I hate to be around them now becuase they seem to think its funny when someone does something stupid in a drunken stupor. I pitty anyone who laughs at those that are to wasted to help themselves. As for you blkGT I am glad you are okay but I must agree with batman, you made one of the worst decisions possible in that situation and I am glad for one that your car was harmed instead of you. No one should be physically harmed for their actions but you made a bad decision and payed dearly for it. Drinking and driving is flat out stupid, if you know you are going to be drinking plan ahead for God sake. Have a DD ready and don't drive yourself to the place where you will drink. Putting others in harms way is something that is in my mind unforgivable. What if there were other cars in the area? You could have seriously hurt someone. Once again I am glad you didn't hurt anyone else and came away in good shape, but think ahead next time.
post Jul 24, 2004 - 6:00 PM
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Joined Sep 28, '03
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So, you're passing judgement on something you know next to nothing about?

NASA/SCCA RX-7....currently under the knife
92 Civic hatch B16 - Sold
10th anniv RX-7 - RIP
The Slow Celica - Sold...and then crushed crushed due to street racing.

Quote from Seinfeild: George's Boss reading a magazine: "People magazine's most beautiful people. Oh and a Celica...nothin wrong with that!"
post Jul 24, 2004 - 6:12 PM
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Believe me in High School I did have some "fun". The only reason I did it was to fit in with my "friends" so, acutally I do know something about it.
post Jul 24, 2004 - 6:34 PM
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Joined Nov 12, '03
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door pannels?
post Jul 24, 2004 - 6:56 PM
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Joined Feb 15, '04
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high beams? i need only one
post Jul 24, 2004 - 8:32 PM
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QUOTE (SlowCelica94 @ Jul 24, 2004 - 10:03 AM)
I'll promise once most you loser 15 yr olds grow up and hit college life (if you can even get into college...you might be too bussy buying more neons at pepgirls), you'll end up drinking and driving. You may be surprised, but not everyone is as willing to give you a ride as you think. And you'll only know when you're put into that poisition. I've done. A lot. But I didn't speed.

In closing, eat a big red candle

so your saying this justifies you driving drunk? because no one will give you a ride?

and you drive quite often while drunk? and you'll keep on driving while your drunk? and think your good at it?

well I'll let someone else comment on this, but at this rate one day soon your going to face a world of hurt.

Maybe at minimum your car might be totaled, or you might lose something, like your legs, or an arm, maybe your sight or the ability to walk, Or you will kill someone, and end up spending a good bit of your life in jail.
post Jul 25, 2004 - 12:01 AM
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Joined Nov 15, '03
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Can you say take a cab condoning this behavior is very childish. I am in college and guess what I dont drink much and I sure as hell am not going to drink and drive. What a moron, there are always option ALWAYS. I do speak on a subject that I know something about I work in alcohol and drug rehab center. I deal with people everyday that think they dont have problem then guess what happens they get a DUI/DWI or worse a manslaugter charge.



post Jul 25, 2004 - 12:26 AM
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Joined Dec 16, '02
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you'll end up drinking and driving. You may be surprised, but not everyone is as willing to give you a ride as you think. And you'll only know when you're put into that poisition. I've done. A lot. But I didn't speed.

In closing, eat a big red candle

I don't know if you were trying to be an *** with this comment, but Im 25 and I have driven drunk a few times when I first started drinking. Its by far the dumbest thing in the world. There are always people to call, cabs to get, and by all means you were born with 2 legs to get you around. Hell, sleep in the passenger seat of your car if you decide. Driving drunk just kills people plain and simple. You may not this time or the next time, but it will happen. you will hurt yourself or someone else. Want to know something even bettter?? Drunks are the ones that survive b/c they cannot control their muscles to tighten up. I bet once you sobered up and realized that you just killed a family of 4 and you will become "Bubbas new best friend" in the pen you'll wish you never drank and drove

post Jul 25, 2004 - 7:29 AM
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Joined May 17, '03
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QUOTE (SlowCelica94 @ Jul 24, 2004 - 10:03 AM)
I'll promise once most you loser 15 yr olds grow up and hit college life (if you can even get into college...you might be too bussy buying more neons at pepgirls), you'll end up drinking and driving. You may be surprised, but not everyone is as willing to give you a ride as you think. And you'll only know when you're put into that poisition. I've done. A lot. But I didn't speed.

In closing, eat a big red candle

Dude, I've already been to college, and I didn't resort to drinking and driving. I always found a ride, or made sure I had a ride before I drank. I didn't do that crap in college or in high school. I always found a place to crash, or simply waited enough hours to sober up, even if it meant crashing somewhere I didn't want to be. Anything's better than drinking and driving.
post Jul 25, 2004 - 10:45 AM
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Joined Sep 28, '03
From Bloomington, IN
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Mmmmmmh, I'm go play "drink the beer and drive" just to piss you all off now. Then loss some races to some minivans to prove how slow the celica is. I'm pure muthaf*ckin evil

NASA/SCCA RX-7....currently under the knife
92 Civic hatch B16 - Sold
10th anniv RX-7 - RIP
The Slow Celica - Sold...and then crushed crushed due to street racing.

Quote from Seinfeild: George's Boss reading a magazine: "People magazine's most beautiful people. Oh and a Celica...nothin wrong with that!"

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