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> Quadconversions.com - New Kit & Head lights!!!, my IM discussion with the owner...
post Feb 3, 2005 - 9:33 AM
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HOTAZZDJ26: I have a question for you on the Celica
QCONVERS: Hello...

QCONVERS: Yes, how can I help you?
HOTAZZDJ26: sorry, i was curious if you ever plan on making aftermarket headlights for the celica?
HOTAZZDJ26: If you need molds or anything of that sort, id be willing to send you my parts, for a mold or design
QCONVERS: Ummm, we have no plans for that at the moment... but we are currently producing full kits for cars and if we were to get our hands on a Celica we may very well be producing a complete body kit and front lights
QCONVERS: we don't have one lined up at the moment
QCONVERS: so it would be some time before anything was done

HOTAZZDJ26: What if i was to find you a celica you could use, for a mold?
HOTAZZDJ26: ok sounds good
QCONVERS: sorry  phones going none stop
HOTAZZDJ26: haha its ok
QCONVERS: you do know we're in the UK...England?
HOTAZZDJ26: yes, i know there are celicas over there
QCONVERS: that's true:0)
HOTAZZDJ26: if there was an owner willing to let you mold the car would put it into thought?
QCONVERS: there is a possibility
HOTAZZDJ26: ok sounds good
QCONVERS: we have just aquired an other workshop and we'll have the space soon
QCONVERS: see what you can do
HOTAZZDJ26: i will talk to people i know from the U

QCONVERS: we need the car for about 3 weeks to do the front lights
HOTAZZDJ26: Thanks for your time!
QCONVERS: the G6 already has round lights...what would you be looking for?
QCONVERS: projector light?
HOTAZZDJ26: yeah or something to add a cool effect to the front
QCONVERS: like Angel eyes?
HOTAZZDJ26: its 4 headlights, so maybe 4 projectors that would be sick
HOTAZZDJ26: yeah that would be awesome
QCONVERS: there is one problem
HOTAZZDJ26: I'll see if i can have someone photoshop a picture and send it to you
QCONVERS: in the states you can buy cheep projector lights that really are rubbish...they don't make an MOT here...  here we have really good projector lights but they ain't cheep
QCONVERS: £240 just for the optics
HOTAZZDJ26: Well for us to get ones that "FIT" our cars just for 2 projectors its $550+
QCONVERS: OK send me a photoshop
HOTAZZDJ26: Well, i have my afterburners from you, and i'd be willing to spend more for all four headlights!
HOTAZZDJ26: I'll see what i can get on a photoshop and a car for you
QCONVERS: yours is the black one we have on our site  right?
HOTAZZDJ26: yes sir
QCONVERS: OK I'll leave it with you

HOTAZZDJ26: talk to you soon

Ok anyone want to photoshop a pic to him of a front end? with Projectors and angel eyes?

Also, if we get enough people, and do a group buy, we could get these cheaper then what it would cost for all 4 headlights!

He is also considering designeing a whole new bodykit!!! Anyone from the UK, that is willing to let them mold a design for "3 weeks"??? I know it sounds like a long time, but this could be huge!!!

Well i hope this goes through!? biggrin.gif
post Feb 3, 2005 - 5:44 PM
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Joined Mar 19, '04
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ok mates, step up to the plate, so we don't got to send Doggy out there. He think he lives far away from there. If a new body kit is made, please make it original and not a close replica to something we already have, thats all I ask. Why not a kit based off the ferrari 360 modena or the new 430?
post Feb 3, 2005 - 10:45 PM
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QUOTE(madmods @ Feb 3, 2005 - 5:44 PM)
Why not a kit based off the ferrari 360 modena or the new 430?

In the words of lil' jon, YEAH!!! I agree that would be tight ass. So will someone step up to the freakin plate!
post Feb 3, 2005 - 11:25 PM
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Joined Oct 3, '02
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kits great and all, but projectors are wut we need. tell them too hook it up.

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All I have in this world is my Balls and my Word and I'm not breaking em for no one,- Tony Montana
Team 6gc 2005
post Feb 3, 2005 - 11:37 PM
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Joined Oct 24, '03
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yes. projectors..


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former celica owner.
post Feb 4, 2005 - 2:28 AM
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Joined Aug 20, '03
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QUOTE(DJMC_Celica @ Feb 4, 2005 - 3:45 AM)
QUOTE(madmods @ Feb 3, 2005 - 5:44 PM)
Why not a kit based off the ferrari 360 modena or the new 430?

In the words of lil' jon, YEAH!!! I agree that would be tight ass. So will someone step up to the freakin plate!

Umm I guess i will third that....
post Feb 4, 2005 - 3:06 AM
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Joined Oct 28, '02
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IF they ever makes them, the price will go way up high, and i dont think they will be able to beat JDM projectors price...

I thought about manufacturing DIY kit for headligth, that would include projectors, all the mounting accessories that are needed to mounth them in the stock places, clear glasses, inner housings and other stuff... But after some calculations i got the price for about 350$ just in parts, this not includint all the work that is needed to make all the inner housings, make all the brackets, and other stuff... so add like 100$ for the manufacturing all the parts (it would be cheap as hell) so you will get 450$ add shipping, and you will get 500$, for the 500$ you can get JDM PROJECTORS! So would you buy somthing that is DIY, and modiffie your stock headlights, or you just go and get JDM?

This is not an option, the only way they could make the headlighs, if they could use Cheap optics.

To be honest, i can write a list that is needed to fabricate Projectors headlighs:

Projectors assembly: if you wanna get good light path - VALEO or HELLA is the way to go (price runs about 200$ for a new pair)

Fabricating bracets: 2 brackets for the both sides (making a scetch on the AUTOCAD, sending it to machine shop, getting it made professionaly with all the mounting points and etc price wount be lower then 50$ for a pair with all the mounting plastics)

All the bolts needed - about 10 strong bolts, with self fixating nuts and etc - 5$

Fabricating inner housing - making first prototype (need 2 for both sides) , making mold form them, taking ready to primer item from mold.. I could get this as cheap as posible, with all the molds and etc i could get 2 first products for about 150$ after first mold price would be cheaper, like 100$ for a pair...

Now the happy part: Clear glasses, i will let you know all the details now, why i wasnt finishing my Headlight till now. To make a MOLD for one side headligh for clear glass it cost 500$, this is just for one side!!!!

After the mold is done, one glass would cost 20$, so its cheap, but the mold is very very pricey...

And headlight glasses would be made of 2 mm lexan, with would be clear and strong enouth... But, it wount stand a heat.. so there is no 100% posibility that it wount bend, melt, wount be clear and etc...

So after all this done, you get BIG $$$ Check, and you dont even know when you will get your money back, and im not talking about any profit, cuz market for 6gc parts is SOO LIMITED...

I dont think much of you guys could pay 500$ for the DIY kit of for the full headlights...

now you will ask your self,Why im saying all this? just to let you know how doeas production goes... if you wanna pabricate somthing like this, you have to be sure, that there will be atleast 1000 sale, witch WOUNT happend in 6GC market...

This is just my opinion... If i ever find some free time, i will definantly write a how to on this, cuz its kinda PAIN to see how you blow 500-800$ just for the stupid projectors, that can be made by your own hands, and some Junk yeard parts for as low as 100$ only thing what you have to figure out by your self would be CLEAR GLASS...

Thanks you for reading...
Romas smile.gif

Ex celica owner - just a guy from other side of the pond...
Full custom Projects from restoration to performance builds
<<<<<< DCw / JDMart >>>>>>>
post Feb 4, 2005 - 9:30 AM
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Personally, if we had enough people to buy in, we could get them at or less then the JDM price. I did some math, for 4 headlights anywhere from $650-750. Depending on how many people get in?
post Feb 4, 2005 - 3:01 PM
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Joined Dec 25, '02
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find out if they would use real glass or lexan equivalent.

if HID can be integrated, or it it can be an easy dis-assemble so that painting around the projector is something easy to do.

Romas, that 1000 number i got was for a company like APC, they mass produce everything they make and sell them very cheap, although the products aren't the greatest.

if this company doesn't do, i'm most likely going to research Lexan some more and try to bring Romas back to the 6GC.net for a primary source of funds

post Feb 6, 2005 - 2:36 PM
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Joined Oct 28, '02
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Dont waste your time consynx smile.gif i did lots of research on this, lexan WOUNT melt, even if the xenons are installed, actually xenon bulbs wount have primary target to the glass, they would be installed to the projector housings.

WELL, as much as there WOUL:D BE SOME interest, i could fabricate a DIY kit for somjthing like 400$ range...

This would include everything that is needed to convert your headlight to the clear ones and have Lows with projectors.

QUOTE(Consynx @ Feb 4, 2005 - 1:01 PM)
find out if they would use real glass or lexan equivalent.

if HID can be integrated, or it it can be an easy dis-assemble so that painting around the projector is something easy to do.

Romas, that 1000 number i got was for a company like APC, they mass produce everything they make and sell them very cheap, although the products aren't the greatest.

if this company doesn't do, i'm most likely going to research Lexan some more and try to bring Romas back to the 6GC.net for a primary source of funds

Ex celica owner - just a guy from other side of the pond...
Full custom Projects from restoration to performance builds
<<<<<< DCw / JDMart >>>>>>>

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