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> Terry Schiavo, Finally died
Who should have decides if she was to died?
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post Apr 1, 2005 - 3:41 AM
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Well, Terry Schiavo passed away after 13 days without a feeding tube. Personally, I think that its not the roll of the government to make these sort of decissions and that they should be left to the families. I also think that this has gotten a lot more coverage than it should have. I'm glad that the system actaully worked though and she was allowed to pass away after all that suffering.
post Apr 1, 2005 - 4:12 AM
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What her husband did was totally wrong today. He did not let her parents in the room during her last breaths. Its all over the news, and that idiot is a dead man walking. He better grow eyes on the back of his head. I personally think someone is going to get him.
post Apr 1, 2005 - 7:09 AM
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Not to mention that it wasn't so humane to allow her to starve to death, even if she was in the state that she was in, she had to of felt that pain of starvation till the last moments. God rest her soul.
post Apr 1, 2005 - 7:32 AM
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Yeah its crazy being from the Tampa Bay area, everyday it was on the news it bad how they done that, i mean prisoner who get the lethal injection are better off than being starved to death. I just hope the media will leave them alone

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post Apr 1, 2005 - 8:53 AM
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QUOTE(madmods @ Apr 1, 2005 - 4:12 AM)
What her husband did was totally wrong today. He did not let her parents in the room during her last breaths. Its all over the news, and that idiot is a dead man walking. He better grow eyes on the back of his head. I personally think someone is going to get him.

Thats not true her parents werent even there. Her brother and sister were asked to leave.

QUOTE(Ale_lock @ Apr 1, 2005 - 7:09 AM)
Not to mention that it wasn't so humane to allow her to starve to death, even if she was in the state that she was in, she had to of felt that pain of starvation till the last moments. God rest her soul.

Is there another way of doing it? She cant feel anything, he brain is serverly damaged.

This post has been edited by Supersprynt: Apr 1, 2005 - 11:53 AM

post Apr 1, 2005 - 9:31 AM
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I agree that starvation was inhumane....

Even though she was in a vegitating state, she could still feel pain, she communicate with her eyes, she could laugh, she could cry... So definetly she was suffering through dehydrationand starvation.... Since they were gonna kill her anyways, the least they could do to save her from all that suffering, they could of at least youthonized her. That would be somewhat better than just letting her suffer....


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post Apr 1, 2005 - 10:08 AM
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You mean euthenized her? Thats the act of letting someone die, and thats what Dr. Kevorkian got so much trouble for because he made a device which allowed ppl to kill themsevles, and he was labeled a murderer and this and that.

Honestly, how can you make it illegal to do what you want with your own life, its such bull**** the gov't constantly over steps its bounds.

post Apr 1, 2005 - 10:31 AM
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They need to somehow find a way such as putting on licenses if you want to be an organ donor. They need to do that with these types of situation. Personally I want it to be the decision of my parents over my husband.

Terrys husband had moved on - not that thats wrong. but now im pissed to hear that he wants her cremated and with his family plot where as the parents want her buried with their family. Im sorry but that husband pisses me off! he has kids now and he has a new wife or girlfriend not sure which. Let the parents atleast decide where she gets buried. F HIM! i can not stand to see him on tv.

Atleast the parents can say they tried everything in their power to keep her alive.

I cant wait to hear the results of the autopsy.

Cruisin down the street in my Infiniti...always lookin for my next trip to Sin City
post Apr 1, 2005 - 11:10 AM
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IDK but I dont exactly call that alive. She was breathing yes, but guess what, after your marry someone, you get buried with him, not your parents. Just because of thsi situation doesnt change the fact that she is his wife. She very well could have said oh I want to be cremated and oh I'd never want to be alive if that ever happened to me.

He also does not have a new wife, IDK bout girl friend but that maybe likely considering this happened FIFTEEN YEARS AGO.

Theres no need for it on your license. Organ donors have it their because most organ donors die suddenly and theres is very little time to keep an organ ok for transplant. You can write a living will, which states the conditions in which you want to be kept alive or not. Considering that he is her husband, and there is no living will, I think HE would know what SHE wanted the best. People dont understand, that this happend in 1990. If there was going to be any rehabilitation it would have already happened.

BTW: The autopsy was requested by her husband, to quell the BS that goes around that she could have been rehabilitated.

This post has been edited by Supersprynt: Apr 1, 2005 - 11:10 AM

post Apr 1, 2005 - 11:32 AM
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Ok well look this happened suddenly didnt it erik?? So dont give me that theres no need for it on a license cuz organ donors can die suddenly. She was in a 15 year vegetative state suddenly. And i would not want to be buried with that man. I would like to be buried with my family personally. Maybe when ur a father you will understand.

Cruisin down the street in my Infiniti...always lookin for my next trip to Sin City
post Apr 1, 2005 - 11:45 AM
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What you just said made no sense whats so ever. She had a heart attack which killed most of her brain. And then there was malpractice involved, thats why the parents are pissed they didnt get any of the money HE used to KEEP HER ALIVE.

Suddenly in a vegetative state for 15yrs? That makes no sense. She was suddently in a vegetative state, but not suddently dead! They arent going to say the next day oh its on her license and pull the plug. Theres absolutely NO REASON TO HAVE IT ON YOUR LICENSE. Your comparing apples and oranges and its basically an invalid argument.

Organ donors have it on their license because it is necessary to get the organs out, and to the recipient as soon as possible, they do not have time to wait around for legal documentation. They gotta do it ASAP. This is not the case if you want to be taken off life support, theres absolutely no need for people to know to take you off life support ASAP. Why? Because theyre going to try every option possible before they pull the plug. This can take along time, say FIFTEEN YEARS.

Also, nobody is talking about YOU. THis isnt about YOU. So stating what you want is completely irrelevant. Me being a father, is irrelevant because they are married, she married into HIS family. Her last name is Shiavo, not Shindler. So she will be buried in the Shiavo family plot.

post Apr 1, 2005 - 12:03 PM
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Michael has two children with Jodi Centonze. Michael and Jodi have lived together in Clearwater, Florida for ten years.

Cruisin down the street in my Infiniti...always lookin for my next trip to Sin City
post Apr 1, 2005 - 12:06 PM
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I think this was a waste of the govments time. She was brain dead.. She might as well be dead.. Come on, they know there was no chance of her recovering. I think the faimly was niev and stupid for wanting it to go this long. I dont agree with what the husband did, but someone had to do somthing.
post Apr 1, 2005 - 12:07 PM
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Ok and? He's supposed to stop his life because she's a vegetable?

You wanna move to a different subject everytime your wrong?

post Apr 1, 2005 - 12:11 PM
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Since I cant communicate very well I went for some searching for some things I could post and kinda get my point across. This is something I could somewhat agree with.

Not everyone is suicidal. Terry Schiavo should live.
by Lucian
Tue Mar 22nd, 2005 at 02:31:45 PST

I've seen a million posts by liberals at this site about how Terry Shaivo should be allowed to die. People are saying because if they were in that position they'd want to die, that Terry wants to die. It's not that simple people. What if Terry wants to live and the husband wants her to die so he can move on and marry someone else, gain a new family and move on with his life? He cannot do this if theres a chance she can be brought back to life without feeling guilty.
Most people who have an opinion about this case know nothing about the case. All of the family members except the husband want to keep Terry alive, and everyone ignores this in favor of the husband? Marriage in my opinion is not sacred anymore. It has not been sacred since divorce became popular. If Terry Schiavo's husband were willing to take a stand and never marry another woman, then I'd consider supporting his case to allow her to die. If he is willing to kill that side of himself then he can make the case to allow her to die. However if hes going to marry someone else then you have to question why he is fighting to hard to allow her to die.

Diaries :: Lucian's diary :: ::

If I were married, and my wife did not leave a living will, and her parents wanted to keep her alive, then I'd let her live. I wouldnt take her entire family to court to end her life. Now I admit, she may be brain dead, but if we have to make this a political situation, we should be talking about stem cell research to save people in this state instead of talking about how to save money and win votes.

Terry Schiavo is being used politically right now by both the left and the right. The suicidal left want to fight for assisted suicide, abortion, etc. The anti abortion right, and the pro life left and right disagree with this.

Personally, I disagree because I don't think the court made the right decision, however I think its the role of the court to make the wrong decision. I think if the court supports assisted suicide then we need to just legalize it. However I don't think the federal government should be involved. I don't think my opinion or your opinion matters either. If you want to avoid being a Terry Schiavo then you need to
write a living will. Terry Schiavo could have wrote a living will herself if she truly wanted to die in this situation, but she didnt. There is no documentation, no proof, and because of this I side with the parents. When its a spouse vs parents, its 2 against 1, the parents knew her longer, the parents love her unconditionally and I cannot say most spouses love their mates unconditionally these days, the parents cannot get another daughter, but this man can find another wife.

In the end, in this case I side with the parents. The ex-husband of Terry Schiavo should just move on. If her parents are willing to take this to the supreme court, is it really worth fighting an expensive time consuming legal and political war to end her life? Also, if she is alive then she could become the posterchild for stem cell research. We could pressure President Bush to fight for stem cell research. However if we allow Terry Schiavo to die, more people lose than win. Both her parents lose. The Democratic party will politically lose. Abortion supporters will lose. Ultimately the only person who will win is Terry Schiavo's husband.

Why did this happen? Because the left wanted it to happen. It was the left who decided to speak their cultural opinions out in the open. It was the left who willingly broke down and gave Republicans the moral victory. You can never favor death over life and expect moral victory in anything.

Stop voicing your cultural beliefs in public. No one cares what YOU think about the case because ultimately what we think about this case does not matter. Half of us are going to be for or against, and the whole point in asking us these questions was to divide us over an issue. So why did 1000 diaries appear on Terry Schiavo? Most people here are cultural liberals, not Democrats. When a cultural issue appears then you get 1000 diaries on it, all day and night. When economic issues, or bread and butter issues appear, you see one or two diaries on it and then almost no responses.

When was the last time there were 1000 diary posts on poverty in this country? Or outsourcing? What about people starving in the third world? What about the war on drugs which is destroying families in this country? Economic issues unite the working class, it unites people in ghettos in the inner city with the people in trailer parks. We need to unite the poor and talk about issues which matter.

Democrats will never win on culture. Most Democrats are culturally elite. This may have something to do with the economic status of the Democratic party, but thats one of the reasons the party loses votes. Republicans are winning the cultural vote, Democrats can win on the issues if you guys stop trying to spread your culture and win the culture wars. So which war do you want to win? The war on issues or the war on culture?

Cruisin down the street in my Infiniti...always lookin for my next trip to Sin City
post Apr 1, 2005 - 12:15 PM
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QUOTE(Supersprynt @ Apr 1, 2005 - 9:07 AM)
Ok and? He's supposed to stop his life because she's a vegetable?

You wanna move to a different subject everytime your wrong?

We've been talking about this in my US history class the whole time this was going on... IM just saying what he said. Im just think it was wrong to stave her to death thats all.

Her husband said before her heart attack (which caused her to be like this for 14 years), that if she were to ever end up in such a condition, she just wants to be dead, she doesnt want to live through it, so thats whats said to be why her husband wanted her to not live anymore.... Its understandable, Im damn sure I wouldnt wanna be put through all that hell....

And Its just my opinion... are you sure your right? Your prolly not just as right as me...


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post Apr 1, 2005 - 12:35 PM
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Argh. A topic way too familiar for me. I have opinions. I dunno...I care not to express them on a topic such as this. I lost someone extremely close to me in a situation that wasn't as lengthy...but...well, I dunno. The decision was the same no matter what. But...I dunno. Too much emotion for me.

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post Apr 1, 2005 - 1:00 PM
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QUOTE(CelicaBuddy @ Apr 1, 2005 - 12:15 PM)

And Its just my opinion... are you sure your right? Your prolly not just as right as me...

Well that was said because of something else it didnt really have to do with what we're talking about.

post Apr 1, 2005 - 1:06 PM
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QUOTE(Supersprynt @ Apr 1, 2005 - 10:07 AM)
Ok and? He's supposed to stop his life because she's a vegetable?

You wanna move to a different subject everytime your wrong?

Yeah he was to stop his life. He cheated on his wife - her being a vegetable or not.

He should have gotten a divorce.

TILL DEATH DO US PART! yeah well he wasted no time moving on to a new woman and creating a new life. I do believe he got with this girl 5 years after terry became a "vegetable"

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post Apr 1, 2005 - 1:16 PM
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He wasted no time, 5 years is no time? WTF, I cannot believe this is where the argument is going. Your just aching to find something to dislike this guy no matter how ridiculous it gets.


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