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> Relationship stuff, What's wrong...What's right?
post Apr 10, 2005 - 11:03 PM
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Joined Apr 22, '04
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Basically, i have a girlfriend that i've had for over 2 years. We pratically live with eachother, friends with benefits, love this, love that. And it's good, and it's possible marriage. I have another girl that is like raw love, raw feelings, that girl that you could spend 5 hours with, on a couch, no t.v., no radio, nothing, and only hear the words "i love you" and "i love you too" once or twice, and just pure silence. Smiles cutting the air like hot razor blades to butter. Anybody else in this type of pickle? and what do you think of it. Please be honest, people have relationships like these, and it's not obvious, just share

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post Apr 10, 2005 - 11:07 PM
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Joined Aug 23, '02
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Wait, so you have relationships with two girls at once?

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post Apr 10, 2005 - 11:08 PM
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wow i'd say your asking for trouble
well lol your already in trouble the way i see things

just go with your heart cause sumone is goin to get hurt here
1 person being you the other being on of the two girls

but you need to sit down...pray about it...and then deal with it how god wants imo...

post Apr 10, 2005 - 11:09 PM
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Joined Jul 14, '03
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Sounds like my situation.

I'd like answers too..


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post Apr 10, 2005 - 11:15 PM
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Joined Aug 17, '03
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PRAYER!!! No it's not a good situation, but pray about it and do what God wants, Prayer is a lost art form. Give it a go

post Apr 10, 2005 - 11:42 PM
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Joined Mar 29, '05
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i was in the same situation, with girlfriend for a year and a half, well, i ended things with her qbout 3 weks ago. i havent asked the other girl to be with me yet cause it might feel a little uncomfortable after just breaking up with the girlfriend. so ive taken the time to decide what i want and i want the other girl. sometimes i feel i kinda regret what i did but whats done is done and theres nothign i can do about it. if i can tell you anyhting its no matter what your decision is, mkae sure its 100% what you want, cause you cant have both forever
post Apr 11, 2005 - 1:46 AM
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no one here can tell you which way to go. You have to decide that one for yourself. I can tell you one thing though, you'll definitely have to make a decision, because if you really loved them, you wouldn't hurt them, and to hurt them, would be the worst feeling in the world to you. To dissapoint, to live w/ knowing it, would be something you regret everytime you think about it. Don't know how old you are, but if you're young, then be young and have fun and if its meant to be, it will be. But sometimes w/ raw love, if you haven't known this girl for long, nor have you experienced what shes like as much or what her life is like, then you may find out some things that would make you regret choosing her. W/ your current girl, there's a sense of security, you know her in and out, and she knows you. You're probably to the point where you can predict eachother and finish eachother's sentences. This is your comfort zone. THe other girl would be stepping outside of the comfort zone. I guess what it comes down to is how well you can handle being out of your comfort zone, because being w/ someone for 2 yrs when you're young can be exhausting and get old or boring and you wanna look for something/someone new. Just gotta ask yourself if its worth it. God can help show you the way, but in the mean time, here's my advice.
post Apr 11, 2005 - 6:26 AM
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Joined Jun 30, '03
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Which one is gonna be there for you? Which one won't? If both will, then you need to really think about this. Who's time do you value more? I mean who do you like being with more? Don't try to hold two relationships at once. Don't lie, and DON'T cheat. That'll cause heartache for one or both girls if they ever find out, and most importantly, it'll put such a strain on you. So just be truthful to them and yourself.

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post Apr 11, 2005 - 1:57 PM
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Joined Jan 21, '05
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man 2 girls at once?? just keep both of them man. thats like having cake and ice cream at the same time!!! no just playing man, just do whatever you think is right. obviously everyone has there own opinion on this but you gotta do what you want. if you want both thats great. if you just want one then decide which one you think about more. decide which one makes you feel butterflies in your stomach everytime your with them. remember a meaningful relationship is worth more done the road than one with just benefits. trust me dude, 2 at once will get you i trouble. trust me i know. if you decide to go with both just be prepared to lose both and possibly your soul mate. well good luck
post Apr 11, 2005 - 2:02 PM
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Joined Apr 22, '04
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i think everyone has that problem
post Apr 11, 2005 - 11:18 PM
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Joined Mar 29, '05
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well my situation keeps gettin worse and worse, some advice, dont let it get to far. the further you go, the worse the ending will be

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