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> confused....
post Jun 17, 2005 - 5:10 PM
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welll i was catholic but now i dont know wut to belive...im currently takin this astronomy class in colllege and like inono it just questoins a lot of things ive been taught...just makes u look at the earth as a grain of sand in a vast desert.....was there a jesus? all we have is a numbe of books made by normal men..who claim all thsoe stuff to be tru....but then how do we explain miracles or is it just luck or our supposidly our faith which is actually us takin action that allows us to do those things that only a miracle would have allowed..anyone every think about all this?,,,,we obviuosly arent the only ones here in space if u think about it our sun is a star one of a trillinon stars in which others have planets...we havnet been able to relaly look at them in detail because our techonoly is still advanceing but all this bogggles the mind....out side our galaxy there is a layer that surrounds us that is not made of any element and proton or neutron or electron..its called dark matter and we dont know wut it is we cant even see it..on earth we have 3 dimensnos height width and length well in the universe there are up to 11 dimensions how the hell do we explain that lol ....how does the bibel explain this how does the bibel expalin the other galaxies and the other stars it doesnt all it does is deal with the earth...mayve there is a GOD or soemthing that must have created the universe but if there is i dnot think jesus was his son and he our planet out of the billinos out there just my 2 thoughts. anyone please dont hesitate to comment
post Jun 17, 2005 - 5:13 PM
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When i lost my grandma i found it hard to believe in anything..i then started dating a muslim and was fascinated by the culture and religion. I personally chose not to believe anything because WHY?! Why would you sit here believing something that there is no real evidence to prove that it exists?! It just seems like a waste of time to me right now to question if theres a god or not. If there is then great and I dont think that when it comes time for me to go to heaven that he will turn me away just cuz I was unsure all these years.

I dont mean to offend anyone but I once heard someone say that God is just a grown ups imaginary friend and i kinda believe that. Its someone they can lean on. Something that is there when nothing else is.

Cruisin down the street in my Infiniti...always lookin for my next trip to Sin City
post Jun 17, 2005 - 5:20 PM
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QUOTE(BlackCelicaGT94 @ Jun 17, 2005 - 10:13 PM)
When i lost my grandma i found it hard to believe in anything..i then started dating a muslim and was fascinated by the culture and religion. I personally chose not to believe anything because WHY?! Why would you sit here believing something that there is no real evidence to prove that it exists?! It just seems like a waste of time to me right now to question if theres a god or not. If there is then great and I dont think that when it comes time for me to go to heaven that he will turn me away just cuz I was unsure all these years.

I dont mean to offend anyone but I once heard someone say that God is just a grown ups imaginary friend and i kinda believe that. Its someone they can lean on. Something that is there when nothing else is.

Nat thats exactly wut i think when we are growing up we have our parents to lean on to help us out of trouble and hard times......well when we are older we are on our own and we dont have that person who in a fact religion is that person to lean on becuase it makes them feel secure and that as long as they belive its gonna be ok...its all in the mind...if u notice the majoirty of the world is either somesort of christian or muslin and if u notice the concentration of these people are located in very poor areas..where they lack education
post Jun 17, 2005 - 5:28 PM
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I agree with what Natalie is saying to an extent. The purpose of religion is seen in many different ways. That does not mean that anyone's beliefs are right or wrong, but essentially that is what they are, beliefs. Some people use the teachings of texts such as the Bible, Torah, Koran, etc. as guides for the way in which they live their lives. I have a problem with extremely religious people because they tend to follow these teachings in a literal sense. I'm agnostic, meaning unlike atheism I believe in a power greater than that which we are able to comprehend, but I make no judgements about it. This is what works for me, but I do have friends who have made many positive life changes because of their faith. So religion isn't necessarily bad as philosophers like Karl Marx suggest. It's providing a crutch for people who need that type of support system.
post Jun 17, 2005 - 6:15 PM
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i have a comment, but it's not related to the topic...


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former celica owner.
post Jun 17, 2005 - 6:19 PM
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well put. I am not religious but if someone can use religion to add enrichment to their lives the more power to them. however when religion is seen as the purpose for life or the answer to all problems it can become a dangerous thing

QUOTE(JKceli @ Jun 17, 2005 - 6:28 PM)
I agree with what Natalie is saying to an extent.  The purpose of religion is seen in many different ways.  That does not mean that anyone's beliefs are right or wrong, but essentially that is what they are, beliefs.  Some people use the teachings of texts such as the Bible, Torah, Koran, etc. as guides for the way in which they live their lives.  I have a problem with extremely religious people because they tend to follow these teachings in a literal sense.  I'm agnostic, meaning unlike atheism I believe in a power greater than that which we are able to comprehend, but I make no judgements about it.  This is what works for me, but I do have friends who have made many positive life changes because of their faith.  So religion isn't necessarily bad as philosophers like Karl Marx suggest.  It's providing a crutch for people who need that type of support system.
post Jun 17, 2005 - 6:30 PM
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Well first off, there is not concrete solid proof that dark matter exists. Its just one of the theories that makes the equations makes sense. Other ones include super massive gravity distorition where f=ma^2, and the parellel universe theory where gravity is conserved through all universes, and thus what we see is just the diffusion of gravity from another universe. This brings us to the 11 dimensions, which actually exist here on earth too. But we cant see them or percive them since we are only 4 dimensional beings. the last few dimensions create what is known as the membrane theory, which is an evolution of the string theory. This theory has been the first to trace the universe all the way back to the very begining of the Big Bang, the moment of the singularity in which everything began, and can even trace time before the big bang. This theory can not only understand the mystery of the big bang, but says that the conditions to creat a universe are there and available for man to do. In fact it says that we can create our own universe and recreate our own big bang. this is science vs. god at its worst.

I dont claim to understand or follow religion as much as i do not claim to understand the physical mechanisms of the universe. But i do not understand why God and science can not exist. If you think of the entire universe, and all the laws that encompass it, and put it in a circle, we see that things in this cirlce are finite, they have a begining and end; things are limited as there are forces that must be conserved, nothing destroyed or created. So logic must dictate that outside this cirlce, this must be the opposite, things must be infinte and unlimited. Are these not the traits that we attribute to God? And even the men who understand science the best have said, that the more and more they begin to understand the universe, the more and more they see god. Because in order for the physical mechnisms to interact they way they did to create what they have, it is sometimes evident that more than chance took part to make it all happen. The most improbable event occured, to create the universe. All these thousands of unlikely events happen to occur at the exact same time to create very fragile but stable planet we live on. And the physcial mechanisms in life, animals, humans, plants, everything are the pinicle of engineering efficiency that we can only currently dream to achieve that ourselves.

either way, the question of if there is a God and the question of the importance of people believing in a God i think are two very different things. Even if religion is just a tool for people to find hope when they can not find it within themselves, that it is reason enough for people to beleive.


Its Orville's Celica, i just drive it...
post Jun 17, 2005 - 7:47 PM
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Joined Jul 3, '04
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yes, yes i concur on orvilles findings of the String theory... it hasnt been proven quite yet. We had a huge thing on this is Physics for about a month and before that there was a 3 hour episode thing on TLC, and it delt with the Big Bang Theory and the String Theory... way beyond my level of thinking but danggg, didnt they say they are trying to collide protons at a massive level to create something i dont remember how they do it. They were trying to recreate when a star died and created a black hole... im lost in my thinking... oh well lolol but basically they said at first there were 5 dimensions but... neways orville was right on the 11 dimensions as well (from what the humans know atleast)

edit : if i remember right the 11 dimensions delt w/ our level of perception and we cant even percieve the other 7 dimensions, dealing all with microlife as well i think thats what they said. They said it could also deal with the past, present, future (dannnggg that TLC thing was so long ago i forgot most of the info)

This post has been edited by Blakout16: Jun 17, 2005 - 7:50 PM

the 1/4 doesnt have patience for a ST.... so we make them ST-T's so atleast we'll sound good going slow.
post Jun 17, 2005 - 8:42 PM
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QUOTE(orvillescelica @ Jun 17, 2005 - 11:30 PM)
Well first off, there is not concrete solid proof that dark matter exists. Its just one of the theories that makes the equations makes sense. Other ones include super massive gravity distorition where f=ma^2, and the parellel universe theory where gravity is conserved through all universes, and thus what we see is just the diffusion of gravity from another universe. This brings us to the 11 dimensions, which actually exist here on earth too. But we cant see them or percive them since we are only 4 dimensional beings. the last few dimensions create what is known as the membrane theory, which is an evolution of the string theory. This theory has been the first to trace the universe all the way back to the very begining of the Big Bang, the moment of the singularity in which everything began, and can even trace time before the big bang. This theory can not only understand the mystery of the big bang, but says that the conditions to creat a universe are there and available for man to do. In fact it says that we can create our own universe and recreate our own big bang. this is science vs. god at its worst.

I dont claim to understand or follow religion as much as i do not claim to understand the physical mechanisms of the universe. But i do not understand why God and science can not exist. If you think of the entire universe, and all the laws that encompass it, and put it in a circle, we see that things in this cirlce are finite, they have a begining and end; things are limited as there are forces that must be conserved, nothing destroyed or created. So logic must dictate that outside this cirlce, this must be the opposite, things must be infinte and unlimited. Are these not the traits that we attribute to God? And even the men who understand science the best have said, that the more and more they begin to understand the universe, the more and more they see god. Because in order for the physical mechnisms to interact they way they did to create what they have, it is sometimes evident that more than chance took part to make it all happen. The most improbable event occured, to create the universe. All these thousands of unlikely events happen to occur at the exact same time to create very fragile but stable planet we live on. And the physcial mechanisms in life, animals, humans, plants, everything are the pinicle of engineering efficiency that we can only currently dream to achieve that ourselves.

either way, the question of if there is a God and the question of the importance of people believing in a God i think are two very different things. Even if religion is just a tool for people to find hope when they can not find it within themselves, that it is reason enough for people to beleive.

i agree with evrything u say and also i must mention that there are several constants in the universe that if any of them were off by a slight bit our universe wouldnt exist its just soo relavating to me cuase i was never exposed to this b4 makes u think
post Jun 17, 2005 - 10:57 PM
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Joined Jun 8, '04
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"if i remember right the 11 dimensions delt w/ our level of perception and we cant even percieve the other 7 dimensions, dealing all with microlife as well i think thats what they said. They said it could also deal with the past, present, future (dannnggg that TLC thing was so long ago i forgot most of the info)"

The concept of greater than 4 dimensions is often hard for humans to interpret, much like our ability to really comprehend large and minute figures, but I think it's more to do with how we define the given dimensions. Take for example, the motion of an airplane in space.

Firstly, the coordinates of the centre of mass is not enough. For an airplane, we have roll, pitch and yaw. That's gives 6 co-ordinate variables already. Throw in time, forces acting etc, and sometimes there's as many as 15 variables to analyse its motion. Thus, 15 dimensions. However, this is for a localised system and not in general I guess. Still... not so hard to fathom now, is it? wink.gif

PS: I'm probably talking out of my ass, so take what I've just said with a grain of salt.

On the subject of religion, I've been raised in a catholic/buddhist surrounding, but I am neither catholic nor buddhist. In fact, I'm not affiliated with any religion, nor am I atheist. I do believe there might be the concept of a divine entity, but I'm not with any single religion. I dunno though... I don't think the issue of religion can ever be debated. Tell you the truth, I'd prefer to be ignorant and not know whether there really is a god or not. It allows me to personally believe in something which I perceive to be ideal and factual to me, if you know what I mean.

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