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> Toyota is starting to piss me off
post Aug 3, 2005 - 9:19 AM
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Joined Apr 8, '05
From Norway
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Toyota is not responding to my e-mails, they do not help me when I go to the dealer, and they f* me over when my car is in for service...

I'm starting to get really sick of it all. And the thing that really bugs me, is that I have no other option. Nissan, Mazda, Subaru and Mitsubishi only sell the crappy, expensive and the cars with bad or poor engine versions. I'm left with american cars, and all those german and french cars. I hate those.. tongue.gif

But where can I get a Toyota, except from the Toyota dealer? I would have to go to another city to find another dealer, but that would kinda put me in alot of crap when (not if, but when) something happens.. Like last time.

I walk into the shop, and they just look at me.. And when I try to talk with them, they just starts to work with something, and try to look really busy. Now why in the nine gates of ... does a car salesman behave like that? And grown up people today say that "kids" don't have any respect for older people anymore.. *g* I wonder why?

Dealerships, banks and insurrance companies all want older customers with brand new expensive cars and big loans..

I'm afraid that I might end up with a german car or something.. I hate this.. I want my Celi back :/ Or, not exactly _my_ old crashed Celi.. But one just like it wink.gif Maybe with a bigger engine.. Oh wait.. Insurrance companies put a stop to that with their INSANE rates.

Now what should a poor sucker do? I can't even sleep like I used to at night.. I can't consentrate at work.. I'm all messed up. This entire car crap is making me go crazy.

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