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post Sep 24, 2005 - 3:36 PM
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As many know by my annoying posts, I've been installing the ST205 cluster on my AT200. Two members have been contributing greatly to this project with their knowledge and even provided me somewhat of a guide. I went over it many times and everything works. Every light works. My temperature needle is insane, but w.e. I'm not worried about that one right now as I pretty much just got a new cooling system, radiator & company. My gas gauge also is on empty which is not accurate. But my main issue now is the car itself. It won't turn off...

The cluster has 3 plugs in the back. The blue plug(the one to the right) is the one with the problem. I know this because when I turn off the car and pull the keys out, the engine stays on. All else turns off properly(cdplayer, windows, etc.). And as soon as I pull the blue plug out, the engine turns off. I mean, that's okay except then I would have to pull my cluster out and yank the blue plug out everytime I turn off the car. Lol. Not too convinient. I noticed the two people that were helping me have manual cars... Mine is auto. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it but I'm very worried.

If anyone knows what this could be, I would really appreciate some help. Thanks.

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post Sep 24, 2005 - 5:02 PM
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34 views and no reply. **** it. thanks anyway. i know if someone stumbles upon this later and knows the answer, they wont reply because of this comment. im just pissed off right now and feel like cursing and beating someones ass. i know its nobodys fault but mine i guess since i dont know the answer to my questions. it just feels like the main people on this site get all the help. i know people have answered my qestions before but lately that hasnt been the case. i apologize in advance because i know i'll regret posting this later but im just that pissed. i guess i'll install a switch on that **** so i could turn it off with the switch instead of having to go behind the cluster and unplugging ****. thanks anyway guys.

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post Sep 24, 2005 - 5:12 PM
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LOL, impatient people these days...

Maybe if you give me a wiring schematic of the two clusters and which wires you hooked to what I could help. But I need more info to help, seeing as how I've never seen anyone put a ST205 cluster in their AT200.

New Toyota project coming soon...
post Sep 24, 2005 - 5:28 PM
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QUOTE(Coomer @ Sep 24, 2005 - 6:12 PM)
LOL, impatient people these days...

Maybe if you give me a wiring schematic of the two clusters and which wires you hooked to what I could help. But I need more info to help, seeing as how I've never seen anyone put a ST205 cluster in their AT200.

46 views now wink.gif I agree with Coomer. Do you have the 2 schematics ? if you do, wiring that would be a snap. If you do have them, email them to me or post them up.

also, Manny has the electrical BGB for 94s. I could scan the info you would need for your cluster in a few days or so, I am already backed up scanning stuff Manny gave me for homework tongue.gif

post Sep 24, 2005 - 6:43 PM
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The wiring schematic would be kinda hard for me to do myself. I tried looking on celicatech to see if they had any but no luck. I first tried to go by what nik sent me which was just showing me what wires from the at200 go to what on the st205. everything works perfectly except for those things so im on the right track. the thing is that theres a red wire with a blue stripe which is what controls the fan that turns on when the engine heats up. then there's another wire that turns the car off and on... now theres a yellow wire that just jumps right into where the on/offengine wire is. it seems that yellow wire turns the engine on and off. or the fans on and off. and for some reason it cant do them both simultaneously. so either the fans go off when i pull out the key and the engine stays on, or the engine goes off and the fan stays on. depending on which one i tie the yellow wire to. the engine or the fan. so im just going to leave it the way it is and install a switch where the yellow wire is to shut the engine off when the key is pulled out. it's going to be a pain to get the st205/at200 schematics. i dont even know where to look.

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post Sep 24, 2005 - 6:53 PM
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do st's and gt's use the same cluster? I know gt4's are unique but what about the others... what did you use as reference for the gt4... or does anyone on the board have diagrams on the gt4. The other thing you need to know is about hookup, the fuel, coolant on st's and gt's are bimettalic strips while the tach/speed are going to be a coil. if this is different on the gt4 gauge then it won't work/damage something. i have a diagram for a us celica but that is only half of the puzzle, you need a gt4 diagram before anyone can help you.
post Sep 24, 2005 - 9:13 PM
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here is what i sent the left side is the st205 connector and wire number and the right is the at200 connectors and which should be connect i have verified these numbers yet because i dont have my car these are just the number i was sent with my st-205 cluster

1st connector

st 205 at200
1-3 1-5
1-4 3-9
1-5 1-4
1-7 1-7
1-8 1-9
1-9 2-3


st205 at200
2-1 2-1
2-2 2-2
2-3 2-4
2-6 2-6
2-7 2-7
2-8 2-8
2-9 2-9
2-10 2-10
2-11 2-11
2-13 3-6
2-14 2-14
2-16 2-16


3-1 2-13
3-2 3-7
3-6 3-6
3-8 3-4
3-10 3-8
3-11 3-11
3-13 3-13

yea your 3sgte is cool but ill stick to my 7agte
post Sep 24, 2005 - 10:55 PM
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QUOTE(nik @ Sep 24, 2005 - 7:13 PM)
2-13  3-6
2-14  2-14
2-16    2-16


3-1    2-13
3-2    3-7
3-6    3-6[right][snapback]338040[/snapback][/right]
That's where I'm having my problem. I'm planning on putting a switch there and turning the engine off manually. I guess that's the best thing I could think of since nobody here has done this before other than purplegt4. If anyone can think of something better please let me know.

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post Sep 24, 2005 - 11:47 PM
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You probably don't even need a switch, just a pushbutton. Hold it down for about a sec and the engine will shut down.

Still I don't see why it's worth all this trouble to have a cluster in the wrong speed and not show how much gas you have, temp. sensor, etc.

hey, nice mod does it come in hetero?

Need parts? I'm parting out a '94 ST
post Sep 25, 2005 - 12:09 AM
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QUOTE(Cutrara @ Sep 24, 2005 - 9:47 PM)
You probably don't even need a switch, just a pushbutton. Hold it down for about a sec and the engine will shut down.

Still I don't see why it's worth all this trouble to have a cluster in the wrong speed and not show how much gas you have, temp. sensor, etc.
the speed displays correctly. it shows in km/h but that's fine. i know approx what is what because i go to colombia every summer and over there its all in km/h anyway. lol. i remember my first time there my uncle going 140 ends up he was really doing like 85. lol. but yeah, it sucks. when i turn on the car, the temp shoots up to "hot". so i dunno, then it acts gay, like it comes down a bit but then goes up... maybe when i refill gas, the fuel gauge will move up. lol. this whole project has been a nightmare. i got wires all over the place and the steering wheel aint on there so i cant drive the bitch. lol. aaaaah. last time i do something nobody else has done before. lol. pushbutton? wouldnt it have the same on/off function as the switch?

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post Sep 25, 2005 - 12:09 AM
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QUOTE(Cutrara @ Sep 25, 2005 - 12:47 AM)
Still I don't see why it's worth all this trouble to have a cluster in the wrong speed and not show how much gas you have, temp. sensor, etc.

and if you are having this much trouble with the this, what about hooking up the turbo/boost gauge ?

post Sep 25, 2005 - 12:13 AM
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lol. i dont know. thats the main reason for gettingthis. but right about now, i dont really care about the boost gauge. it shouldnt be a big problem because its awhole different circuit in itself. so its not like it'd interfere with everything else. im just worried about getting the car and the cooling fan to go on and off correctly without having to unplug the blu crrap from the back,.

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post Sep 25, 2005 - 12:07 PM
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A pushbutton would do the same thing, but you wouldn't have to flick the switch back to on after the car shuts off.

hey, nice mod does it come in hetero?

Need parts? I'm parting out a '94 ST
post Sep 25, 2005 - 12:11 PM
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good thinking. i can probably get those at any auto parts store, huh? and do they work the same? power, load, ground? like a switch? thanks alex.

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post Sep 25, 2005 - 1:46 PM
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where do 2-13 and 3-6 go to on the st205 cluster? 3-6 on the at200 controls the low fuel light that is activated when the variable resistor on the fuel sending unit hits a certain point. I don't understand why you would tie it to two points on the st205.
post Sep 25, 2005 - 1:51 PM
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Something like this should work, it's a SPST normally closed momentary switch, just cut the wire that keeps your engine running, and splice this button into the loop. Mounted next to your ignition switch, when you turn the key to shut off the car, push and hold the button for a second or two. Then the car will start up normally next time you turn the key without any input from the switch. Let me know if you have anymore questions.

hey, nice mod does it come in hetero?

Need parts? I'm parting out a '94 ST
post Sep 25, 2005 - 5:39 PM
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I bought the switch... But it ended up working. Everything's fine now. The cooling fan sometimes stays on after the key is pulled out of the car but if I pull down the wiper bar all the way(which would normally move the wipers fasty), when the ignition is off, it'll turn off the fan... lol. i dont know why. but yeah, everything works now except the gas still wont display how much i have left and the temperature needle goes up and down. its kinda weird. but the speedo and tach work perfectly, the lights too. however, when i turn on the bar on the left once to turn on the gauges for night time driving, they wont turn on. the 3 green bulbs that light those up wont go on. anyone know what this could be? the bulbs are plugged in correctly but i dont know what can be causing that...

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post Sep 27, 2005 - 12:12 PM
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all this for a usless "boost gauge" that dont even tell you how much boost your running?? hardley seems worth is to me.

Former Team 5SFTE pro member ;)

13.6@108MPH, 5SFTE Powered
post Sep 27, 2005 - 3:57 PM
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Y dont u just go back to the original cluster and avoid all the hassel?
post Sep 27, 2005 - 4:50 PM
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Thanks for the support guys.

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