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> SUPERCHARGER for 5sfe., yes...
Raptor SC: interested
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post Jul 6, 2006 - 10:03 PM
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Joined Feb 2, '06
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Hey 6th Gen owners,

Im trying to gather interest for a supercharger kit for 5sfe, by Raptor SC http://www.raptorsc.com.au/.
It offers a 60% power increase on a camry 5sfe, with torque to match. The kit is an Australian product and will be priced at $4995 AUD with everything included not fitment.

The Raptor supercharger essentially operates like a high speed fan (driven by belt from crankshaft) propeller / impeller, sucking air into the center of the supercharger and pushing it to the outside of the rapidly spinning (40,000 + rpm) impeller blades. The air naturally travels to the outside of the blades because of its centrifugal force created by its rotating inertia. At the outside of the blades, a "scroll" is waiting to catch the air molecules. Just before entering the scroll, the air molecules are forced to travel through a venturi, which creates the internal compression. As the air travels around the scroll, the diameter of the scroll increases, which slows the velocity of the air, but further increases its pressure.

The centrifugal supercharger enjoys several advantageous characteristics that make it the most popular supercharger design in the aftermarket world. First, it is simple and reliable because it has very few moving parts - just a couple of pulleys and the impeller. Second, the centrifugal supercharger produces very little heat because of its internal compression ratio. It is also small in size and very versatile because it can "free-wheel" and allow the engine to suck air through it or even flow air backwards. For this reason it can be placed anywhere in the intake tract - it can even "blow through" the throttle body, meaning it can be mounted nearly anywhere. It is also the most thermally efficient supercharger, meaning that it produces the lowest discharge temperature.

Raptor centrifugal superchargers have a self-lubricating system, no oil is needed from the engine. Due to this feature Raptor supercharger systems are very easy to fit and the supercharger is virtually maintenance free.

All Raptor superchargers benefit the midrange to top end performance of your cars engine. Not suitable for towing caravans.

Remember this is kind of like a petition to get this into production.
post Jul 6, 2006 - 10:37 PM
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Joined Mar 11, '06
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a poll with one option isnt much of a poll.

post Jul 6, 2006 - 10:48 PM
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Joined Jun 29, '03
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yeah i guess we don't have much of a choice.


post Jul 6, 2006 - 10:50 PM
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Joined Jan 17, '04
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Thats over $4000 USD with shipping. By the time you factor in fuel and engine management modifications, you are talking about the kind of money that a full 3sgte swap would cost. I don't want to be a naysayer but I suspect that you will have difficulty drumming up interest at that price. Good luck.

QUOTE(lagos @ Jul 10, 2006 - 1:55 PM) [snapback]454118[/snapback]

i know your trying to do the right thing for your motor, but this is one of those times where you should just trust the guys who have had their swaps for a while and have done a ton of research into this.
post Jul 6, 2006 - 11:08 PM
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Joined Dec 9, '05
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wow that is alot of money.

5000 for a supercharger setup, you can do a 3sgte swap with that money and have potential for far more

or if you just want a good daily driver, i guess that would work.

Is this good enuff 4 ya? :D

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post Jul 7, 2006 - 12:49 AM
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Joined Jun 5, '06
From Hayward,CA
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so we can super charge it or put in an engine that already comes with a turbo.
post Jul 7, 2006 - 6:44 AM
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Joined Oct 1, '02
From fall river, ma
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ripp mods make a kit very simaler to this one your proposing.
with a price tag over 4k, your gonna be VERY hard pressed to sell even ONE in the states.

Former Team 5SFTE pro member ;)

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