umm on the drive home..........wait like for the past 2 weeks i've been noticing the check engine light coming on then going away yesturday it came on and never went a way so i checked the code and it was a code 25 ..running lean i've been having this thing in my head all WTF am i going to do ...cus a code like that means u have to run alot of tests to figure out the problem is it a bad sensor? injector? did my air fuel controller stop working? .....:-/ but today on the drive home i blew a coupling off the turbo this happens like once a week atleast.(cant afford t-bolts) i get home pop my hood so it can cool off come inside for a while then go out side and put the coupling back on and tighten it...then just looked around for the reason why i'm running lean....started to check vacum lines and such and look at the O2 sensor and notice that the two wires that go to the sensor are melted to the exhust pipe.......I was sooooo happy to see that....cus i thought i was really running lean and was like "**** i'ma blow this engine any minute" i'm leave it like that for now till i get to work tomarrow.....YYAAAAYYY