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> FEELER: Need some input opinions, 3rd 3SGTE Engine or the 600cc-700cc DOHC Engine...
post Oct 2, 2006 - 4:53 PM
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Joined Dec 29, '05
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Im really thinking about a bike, going to cost about 3-4K and that is about as much as a 3S swap in the celi...i don't know which to choose...im saving and i just don't know which to get...im leaning towards the bike because of HWY, traffic and all, but then again, it is nice to have the GT4 engine in the celi...any advice of opinions....for you riders out there...what do you feel...and GT4 engine owners...?? kindasad.gif
post Oct 2, 2006 - 6:22 PM
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ouch, a toss up.

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post Oct 2, 2006 - 6:27 PM
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i was also going to buy a bike but you should really look into it first for me only being 19 it was basically out of the question. the insurance on a bike for a "kid" is crazy expensive and depending on how old you are most insurance companies wont cover anything over 600cc so you better check that out before buying a bike. again also depends on how old you are
post Oct 2, 2006 - 6:30 PM
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bike......gsxr yummy
post Oct 2, 2006 - 7:08 PM
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guess i got a long way to go...insurance will be a pain in the butt, but i will manage, just i know don't which to go for...bike will give me as much thrill as a turboed well tune car, but having a car going that fast...it's nice too...either way i look at it, it will be complicated...smogging for an JDM engine = pain, no carriage space or safety invovle with a bike = pain....
post Oct 2, 2006 - 7:10 PM
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car will never be as fast as the bike. especially if you get like a gxsR 600 or r6. If it was me i would say the bike, but then again its your choice.
post Oct 2, 2006 - 8:12 PM
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insurance for me for a gsxr600 (21yrs old 3 tickets) is 352$ per year
but one thing you need to think about with a bike is that its more then a hundred times more dangerous and very easy to kill yourself with...maturity and responsibility while on one are two things that will keep you alive
post Oct 2, 2006 - 8:15 PM
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and you cant use it as much

Sometimes we live to beat the odds.
- Ryan
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aim: rkgreen04
post Oct 2, 2006 - 9:09 PM
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yeah, i know...guess i know my answer, thanks you guys!
post Oct 3, 2006 - 5:07 PM
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Which is more practical for you?

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|Work|Greddy|Samco|Project Mu|H&R|Gates|Moog|Rota|Yokohama|Epman|1320|Upgr8
04 Celica GT
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post Oct 3, 2006 - 8:19 PM
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I like doors during the winter time
post Oct 3, 2006 - 10:00 PM
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Messing with your celi will mean downtime and your never going to get the money back out of it.
Bikes are inherently more dangerous in accidents and you will pay extra insurance.

Celi's are sexy especialy souped up.
Bikes are faster.

Personally I would just get the bike and use it during good weather. Keep the Celi as a good old daily driver and let all hell loose with a bike. I would do the same cept I have never ridden a bike and have no one around to let me try it out frown.gif
Whatever you decide to do hope you enjoy it cause either way they are both fun options
post Oct 3, 2006 - 10:32 PM
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Joined Apr 24, '04
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That is definately a tough decison, but i think a bike would be better. JDM swap in cali is a pain in the a$$. The bike will out perfom just about anything. Yeah the risk is higher, but like i say...what kind of life would we live if we didn't take risks?

Another good reason...chicks love bikes!!!!
post Oct 3, 2006 - 10:32 PM
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Joined Jul 29, '03
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bikes can be a heap of fun because there's an element of danger. if you're looking for something "fun" in the sense that you plan to drive it, um, rapidly, you'll be more exhilarated by a bike, for sure.

my best friend from highschool died in a motorcycle accident, so i should know a bit about the danger element. he and i used to ride all the time, doing all kinds of dumb sh!t...passing between cars, popping wheelies on the freeway, pulling stoppies at red lights. it's fun, don't get me wrong.

but it's scary, too. i got run off the road ALOT. drivers just don't pay attention, especially if you're on a sportbike and you don't sit up high. there are very few things scarier than realizing that someone in a vehicle that weighs 10 times as much as you isn't aware you're next to them and is coming into your lane, etc.

after my buddy died i realized how stupid alot of it was.

all i'm saying is that you have to pick how you're going to have fun. if you're only interested in going fast and being a hot-dog, do it in a car. you won't regret it. if you only want a bike because they get better gas mileage, are easier to park, look cool, etc. and you plan to ride like your mom drives, go for it.

anyway, somebody had to play "mom" here, i just happen to have the experience to do it today.

and also, you're not gonna get THAT sweet of a bike for 3-4k, if that's your budget. anything you're not going to outgrow like that *snaps fingers* is going to run you upwards of 6, in the least.

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do you know who i am, mr. worley?

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