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> Need Legal Advice, Car Being Painted WRONG
post Dec 13, 2006 - 7:05 PM
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Joined Apr 25, '03
From Miami, FL
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I need some legal advice and help regarding my rights as a victim/customer. My car was vandalized almost a month ago. Insurance company agreed to pay for EVERYTHING. Total damages came out to about $2700 which included repainting the entire car and replacing a few things like tail light and windows.

I got the car's body work done at a "Certified Toyota Collision Center" at the dealership where I brought the car. I was first told the repairs would take about 3 weeks. They actually completed everything in 1 week. When I went to see the car, there were too many mistakes. I know the car will never look perfect... but this was nowhere near that. The body shop agreed to repaint the car again and I went to see the car today. Still was not satisfied 100%. The manager told me the windows hadnt been replaced and that one of the employees could replace it for me at my home... I told the guy that I didn't want that and that he could keep my car till it's 100% complete.

I honestly don't have a problem leaving my car there as long as I need it so that it comes out as close to perfect as it can. The thing is, my insurance company will only provide me a rental car for a maximum of 30 days. I want to know what my rights are with the insurance company and body shop. What happens if past the 30 days I'm still not satisfied with the work. I can't afford to pay $30/day for that rental and I dont think it makes sense to give the body shop a check for $2200 and $500 out of ym pocket for something that wasnt done right.


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post Dec 13, 2006 - 8:15 PM
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Joined May 15, '05
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same thing happened to me when my car got rear ended. Tell the insurance company that your car isnt completed as of yet, and because of this, you still dont have a car. Tell them that they will cover the costs of the rental car for how ever longer because the bodyshop gave an inacurate time frame. My car was suppost to take 2 and ahalf weeks for the body work and paint to be done. It took almost 2 months and my insurance company was only going to pay for a month at most for the rental. When my time frame was up, i told them that the body shop haddent completed my car in the time they allotted, and because of this i am still out of a car and im not lyable for this problem. they ended up paying..just call the insurance company, tell them whats going on, then get them to call the bodyshop. They should sort every thing out. then when the alloted time for the rental is up, call the rental car service and tell them to talk to your insurance company. If they charge you, fight it.
post Dec 14, 2006 - 3:15 AM
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Joined Nov 13, '02
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QUOTE(JoKeRkId613 @ Dec 13, 2006 - 6:05 PM) [snapback]510220[/snapback]

"The manager told me"....."that one of the employees could replace it for me at my home... I told the guy that I didn't want that and that he could keep my car till it's 100% complete."

I honestly don't have a problem leaving my car there as long as I need it so that it comes out as close to perfect as it can.

from a legal stand point i read this as the manager offered an alternative solution to fix your car within your time frame, and that u refused it and gave him an unspecified time amount to complete your car as you see fit. this places the need to supply you a car for longer than the maximum time allowed out of the hands of the insurance company. i dont know what kind of insurance you have, but most pay to fix a vehicle to bare minimum so that it functions and is intact. theyre not paying to spray your car to perfection.

what i would do in your situation is to get a representative from your insurance to talk one on one with someone from the bodyshop to confirm the length of time to finish so that they know firsthand that work is being done. most insurance companies would advise you to go to another one of their shops to get it done quicker. get names and keep updating everyone on a daily basis to show progress. its not fair to wait that long on such a paltry job as painting and windows. 2 weeks should be the most.

post Dec 14, 2006 - 3:49 PM
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Joined Aug 31, '02
From Philadelphia, PA
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call the insurance company and tell them about all the problems you had with the shop. since they are the ones paying the bill, they will get on the ass of the body shop and maybe even send out one of their own guys to see whats really going on. you did the right thing by not accepting the car untill it was done right.

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