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> sputtering problem, engine running rough
post Apr 11, 2007 - 5:01 AM
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Joined Jun 20, '06
From Lancashire England UK
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O.K... The problem is getting worse now frown.gif I've been off work for a week due to the old Shingles, Very painful lol. My car hasnt moved for a week as a result. When i used it to go to the docs today it started fine, but it wont let me accelerate until i get the revs up fairly high. Also when crusing along the road at 30MPH it started to get really jumpy like it was missing, proper kangarooin down the road, but as soon as i lift the throttle it goes smooth again, or if i floor it after a bit of a splutter it eventually takes off. Does anyone know what this could be or am i doomed to just wait for it to completly die befor i find out what is causing this erratic behaviour?? Please help me, Waa!!! i love this car but its treating me badly lol


post Apr 12, 2007 - 11:38 AM
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Joined Apr 12, '07
From southampton
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I thought the Gt was introduced in 94!There is supposed to be a sensor in the airbox by the way.

Anyway I have a 94 M plate 2.0 GT and I think I have the 3S GE engine.
I have a problem with the idle which is higher than I would like at about 1500 when cold and the car runs rough till about 2000 RPM.

If the car is left to idle it warms up and the temp guage shows the needle at halfway the revs will drop down to around 800 rpm. if I go for a blast down the motorway the temp guage drops right down and the revs come back up to about 1200 RPM. it all gets worse in cold weather and the car takes an age to warm up if the outside temp is less than about 8 degrees

I thought I'd change the thermostat but when I took the bit of metal off where the top hose meets the block there was no stat??? which is a shame because I bought one of EBAY

I thought I had a dodgy sensor but they have all been swapped and tested and supposedly they are OK.

So I'm stuck as well. The car goes well normally i.e. when your on an open road and the revs are above 2000rpm.

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