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> Donde esta la ECU ? Where is that darn thing ?!
post Aug 13, 2007 - 10:01 PM
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Joined Apr 22, '07
From Bay Area, California
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I'm trying to locate it because i need to tap into the car speed signal wire. I think i heard before that its located behind the center console, and is easiest to access from the passenger side. can someone verify this for me ? Side note, if u know the color of the speed signal input wire from the ECU, let me know ! biggrin.gif BTW, for a 5SFE


This post has been edited by CaliJeff: Aug 13, 2007 - 10:02 PM

You say you don't understand how we go dumb, but have you ever been where i'm from?

-=-] Livin it in tha bay's a lil different [-=-
post Aug 13, 2007 - 10:18 PM
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Joined Mar 8, '04
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the ECU is located behind/under the center console, behind the stock amp. If you pull you carpet away on the pass side you can see the harness and where it plugs into.

post Aug 13, 2007 - 10:46 PM
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Joined Apr 22, '07
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Kool. I'm gonna look thru the stickys to see if there is a graph on what wires are what. In the mean time, if someone still knows where the sar speed signal wire is, would be much appreciated ! smile.gif

You say you don't understand how we go dumb, but have you ever been where i'm from?

-=-] Livin it in tha bay's a lil different [-=-
post Aug 14, 2007 - 1:39 AM
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Joined May 12, '06
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it's easiest to get at if you pull out the passenger seat. it's only 4 12mm bolts, it just takes like 2 minutes to do and gives you more room. then look behind the center console, pull back the carpeting, and you'll see it. to get at the wires, you need to unplug the 3 harnesses and a couple other ones in order to be able to pull the wires out enough to do any work to them. what are you doing with the speed sensor anyway?


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post Aug 14, 2007 - 10:47 AM
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Joined Apr 22, '07
From Bay Area, California
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Reputation: 14 (100%)

hooking up a tap in that goes to my AVIC-D3

You say you don't understand how we go dumb, but have you ever been where i'm from?

-=-] Livin it in tha bay's a lil different [-=-

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