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> Engine Coolant, What kind?
post Feb 25, 2008 - 9:31 PM
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Joined Aug 9, '06
From Ma
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I use Toyota red and Distilled water somewhere between 60/40 and 70/30.
The big difference between Toyota coolant and most others is silicates [they help prevent corrosion].
Toyota says they damage water pump seals so they don't want them in their coolant.
The problem is, silicates are very good at preventing corrosion from "hard" water, which is why using distilled water [close to pure H2O without extra minerals and stuff] is more important with it than with most coolant.

It's not the end of the world if you use something besides Toyota red, but I suggest you use a good quality one, if you use the autocrap $2/gal stuff don't expect it to work as good.
Also, stay away from ALL Dexcool types, they have a plastic softener in them [softens and warps plastic, like your rad end tanks].

QUOTE(x_itchy_b_x @ Feb 14, 2008 - 9:30 AM) [snapback]641433[/snapback]

Prestone un-mixed then add some poland spring water. (kidding, i have well water) I don't consider it "tap" water.

Well water is usually worse than tap water as far as mixing with coolant is concerned. It tends to have more minerals in it than tap water.
I've seen a lot of people use regular water [tap or whatever] without problems however.
Using either doesn't guarantee your cooling system will be massively corroded, but it definitely makes it more likely down the road.

QUOTE(aslearvert @ Jan 14, 2008 - 6:39 PM) [snapback]630788[/snapback]

Hi guys,

My check engine light came on today, and I think I might be low on engine coolant (I cant see any in the overflow). Do you guys use the orange kind or green kind?... Specific brands? The only thing I know is its not supposed to be alcohol based. I read the manual but I just want to make sure I'm right. Please let me know.

-Thanks very much

Normally low coolant won't cause the CEL to come on, but it is possible.
Why don't you check and see what the code is and go from there?


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post Feb 26, 2008 - 7:09 AM
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Joined Mar 3, '04
From Portsmouth, RI
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right, there is no coolant level sensor that will set off the CEL. But if you are dangerously low on coolant the coolant temp sensor will see the massive air pockets and set a code for the coolant temp. But, yes it is true that you would either notice it overheat or you would have no heat through the vents before that happened.

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