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> Leaking Sunroof - Questions (Thanks ILuvMyCelica95), Questions about drainage holes...
post Jul 24, 2008 - 12:54 AM
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Joined Jun 8, '08
From Alexandria, Virginia
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First of all, thanks to ILuvMyCelica95 for one of the pics I borrowed.

I checked out the forum topic on this here


I just got my own 95 Celica just a few days ago. We just had a really good rain so I wanted to see if anything was leaking.
I found a few wet spots, but only on the inner ceiling in the corners by the windshield.


and here

so I did what I read in the forums and looked for the drainage holes, I think I found them in the

My question is ..... are these the same drainage holes that ILuvMyCelica95 pointed out in the following picture?

Do I have the front of the car direction correct?

I'm going to make the conclusion that both drainage holes are not connected to the drainage pipe??
Could the drainage pipe be bad (hole in it or something)
I wouldn't assume it is plugged as the drainage holes are obviously draining but not to where they are supposed to
(someplace else other than the corners of my ceiling)

Does anyone have any other experience with this that can lend some expertise?

The good news is that it doesn't appear to be leaking anyplace else. Floor is dry, etc.....

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Gary

post Jul 24, 2008 - 6:49 AM
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Joined Dec 16, '02
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Hey Gary smile.gif

In that pic the arrow is pointing to the passinger side of the car. I took the pic from a weird angle, I was outside of the car. If i remember correctly

I had the same issue and it's because from the factory there is a clamp over that drainage hose ( you can see it in the picture) It really does not hold the tube on there very well. It sounds like you have the same problem I had.

My hose came off and water was leaking into the roof of my car. I had wet spots in the same area. What I would do is take the liner off the roof like you see in my pic make sure nothing is clogging those holes and reattach the tube and use something stronger than that clamp that is on there. ( like a zip tie).

I hope that helped, PM me if you have another question smile.gif

This post has been edited by ILuvMyCelica95: Jul 24, 2008 - 6:53 AM

post Jul 26, 2008 - 10:36 PM
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Joined Jun 8, '08
From Alexandria, Virginia
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Well, I took out the headliner today....and the hoses were still connected.
Taking out the headliner wasn't difficult at all, exactly as described in the forum posts.

I went out and bought some gas clamps and replaced the "spring" clamp with the screw tightening gas hose clamps. I'm hoping that water was just "seeping" out around the spring clamps and that these will fix that.

I also put some silicon around the top of the windshield where the leak was in case the leak WASN'T coming from the sunroof (since I had the headliner off anyways).

I then took a gallon of water and dumped it into the sunroof well....and it drained exactly like it was supposed to out the bottom of the car. So I guess I have to wait for the next actual rain to see if I fixed something.

One added note....I read where people were saying that water was getting into the floor area and wondered if it was coming from the sunroof. I tried to trace the drainage hose from the sunroof and it goes inside the body down to the bottom of the car inside the rails that run along the length of the car. I thought maybe that if the hose wasn't draining properly or was hiked up that maybe the water wasn't making it all the way down and draining onto the floor.

Also note that along the rails on the bottom of the car you'll see round vent sort of things....this is where the water drains from....if they are plugged then maybe the water could leak inside the car?

Anyways, just wanted to share what I did and found out.

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